Monday, June 28, 2010


One of my favorite stories that I heard a long time ago: A husband is watching his wife preparing to put a beef roast in the oven for the family’s Sunday dinner. She cuts a piece off the small end of the roast, throws that piece in the garbage and puts the roast in the pan and into the oven.

Her husband says, “Honey, why did you throw the end of the roast away?” She thinks for a minute and says, “Well, that’s what mother always did.”

But now his wife starts to wonder. She picks up the phone and dials mother. “Mother when you fixed a beef roast for Sunday dinner, you always cut the small end off and threw that part away. Why did you do that?” There is silence as Mother thinks for a second or two and then she says, “Oh, I guess because my mother always did it that way.”

This is getting a bit strange so now his wife calls grandma. “Grandma can you tell me something please.” “Of course, what is it honey?” “Mother said that when you fixed a beef roast for Sunday dinner, you always cut part of the small end off and threw that piece away before you put the rest in the pan. Why did you do that?”

Now Grandma is laughing so hard she can hardly speak. When she finally catches her breath she says: “I cut the small end of the roast off and threw it away because I had a very little pan.”

Every once in a while when you catch yourself in a repetitive action or a repeated thought, in an habitual way or method of performing daily or weekly chores or simply making assumptions about what is the “right” way, perhaps it is a good idea to ask yourself that one big important question: “Why?” You may discover that what used to make sense yesterday or last year or when you were a child, may not make any sense now in your grownup world.

How are you doing? How is your life moving? Are you flowing along with each new now moment, moving joyously, freely into your future, making whatever changes seem called for? Or could it be that you are stuck just a little bit, held back by the tentacles of the past, some ideas that have out grown their usefulness?

Life is meant to be an adventure. We are all lifelong explorers. We always have the choice and the ability to make each successive moment brand new or a well worn repeat of the last one.

When I was growing up I lived with my mother and grandmother. Mother worked a five day week, while my grandmother took care of the household chores. One morning when I was a teenager, my grandmother was complaining loudly about how much clothes washing she had to do for the family every Monday morning. It was a valid complaint especially since she was using an old fashioned wringer washer and two rinse tubs.

Feeling that I knew how to fix any problem I just suggested she wash clothes more than once a week, maybe on Wednesday as well as every Monday. That rather flippantly offered solution from the teenage me did not set well. Her response? A very terse,“I will think about that at the first of next month.” Which, of course, she never did.

You have to understand that I loved my Grandmother but I tell the story because I think that is the same sort of tensely fixed attitude all of us hold from time to time. We do not like to have to change our habitual behavior, our accustomed patterns, even when such a change might be beneficial. Somehow we feel it just isn’t worth the effort. We don’t want to bother with setting a different course, thinking a new thought.

My mother on the other hand was concerned about keeping her mind and imagination active. One of her methods to obtain the flexibility she desired was to find and use as many different driving routes to work as she could. She would be the first to tell you that she was “just a secretary” from the time she was 16 years old. Yet after her retirement from the business world, she was instrumental in creating the very first library for a small town in central Florida.

Far exceeding any of her past work experience she organized fund raisers for the land and the building. She wrote a grant and received approval for still more funding. Library science was all new to her but through studying and much preparation she became that small town library’s first head librarian after her 70th birthday.

I know each one of you can do anything you can imagine or believe. Do not let your life become boring or humdrum. Your life is much too valuable to allow it to drift from one day to the next. Take your dreams down off the shelf. Those exciting dreams were not meant to gather dust. Acknowledge the fact that you and I came into this incarnation to seek, to learn and to create.

In order to fulfill the mission of our life we need to embrace as much flexibility as we can. Because each one of us is full of our own unique creativity, nothing should be off limits as far as investigating, examining and understanding.

Those of us who are adults and still studying instructional courses on any subject have the right idea. It is also equally valid to look for additional information and wisdom through various kinds of meditation which offer access to our personal guides, teachers and masters plus our own intuitive skills.

Any educational pursuit that provides a step up to learning and understanding yourself and your world is important and valuable. Begin today to keep a journal of your precious ideas, record your dreams and their imbedded messages. Writing gives even more energy to your desires. Be proactive!

The more we allow our thirst for knowledge to take hold of us, the more benefit we can be to our world and each other. It is when we become satisfied with keeping the status quo that stagnation sets in. We begin the move backward allowing that downhill slide. Decide right now to release any ideas of your past lack or failure so that the positive future can arrive clean and vibrant.

Keep your desires, your heart filled dreams alive. Just because you are this age or that, just because you do not think you have the right education, push forward anyway. It is never too late or too soon to begin living you dream. Start now. Pursue it with all your energy. Tweak it, adjust it for today and then love it, believe in it. That dream should be nurtured like your own beloved child.

The more you work toward your goal, the more help you will attract. People will come forward with suggestions, financial support, creative solutions. Merely taking one small step at a time every day will light up your path, move you in the direction of more and more success. Action always magnetizes help and ideas.

Working at any activity that comes from your heart will propel you into a state of nearly continuous joy. Yes, there will be challenges, problems, an occasional set back, but when you love what you are working toward, when your goal excites you, joy will activate every part of your life.

Joy is an amazing tonic. Without any warning your physical health will be greater than ever. Your intuition becomes clear as a bell. Your life will be filled with sincere friends. When you live in a state of continuing joy everything begins to flow and glow with love and light.

All the success that will rush to meet you is because you have been brave enough to fully actuate your life by developing your special inborn talents and gifts. With a loving heart you have offered your creations to the world. I believe in you. I know you were born with tremendous ability and power.

Once you decide to trust your instincts and move forward on your inner guidance, all the energy in heaven and earth will be there to support you.

It would be my joy to help you with your own intuitive development. I offer individual, private lessons, a series of four one hour-sessions over a period of four weeks. The lessons are created specifically for your desired accomplishments. The results you experience can be quite phenomenal!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Fathers’ Day is here. I never knew my birth father. My fantastic, loving step father entered my life when I already had children of my own. He was the most generous of men, a loving father and a gentle grandfather. Even today I miss him and wish he could be with me. Love you Dad!

Today however I want to talk not about dads but about one extremely important Mother. That is our own precious and giving Mother Earth.

The news media is having a field day. Our television channels, our internet are both jammed as we receive almost minute by minute updates on the Gulf of Mexico oil leak…speeches, congressional inquiries, scientific opinions, on and on. There are multiple projections of how horrible this disaster will be. It is frightening, daunting and all too real.

In the midst of all this I cannot help but wonder if we would be paying a quarter of the attention to this disaster if it were happening in another ocean far away from our Florida shores on the other side of the globe. For our own comfort many times we turn a deaf ear if a particular problem does not affect us personally.

Human caused earth disasters are nothing new. I am reminded of the video images of polar bears as they lost their islands of ice at the pole. We see photos of the dense smog in China caused by industrial pollution.

Sometimes we do not admit our part in the damage that we as citizens of earth are doing day to day. We demand and use more and more energy to satisfy our desires.

If you have internet access you doubtless have received e-mails from friends suggesting various prayers and affirmations to assuage the damage in the Gulf and on the shores. All of those suggestions have merit and if used with intent and conviction any or all of them may be of some help.

There is a great noise being made over the guilt of the particular oil company whose well leaked, its C.E.O. and all the companies it hired. The incessant blame is heard loud and clear, repeated over and over again. There has been agreement about the large sum of money that will be earmarked to alleviate the suffering this spill has caused and its ongoing effects on the people and the environment.

The real problem is this: all the anger,blame and retributions in the world do not address the underlying cause. We, you and I, are asking our sacred mother earth to give more than she possibly can and to do it faster!

It is not this company or that company. It is us, individually and collectively. We are raping our own home. If we want to continue enjoying life on this beautiful planet we must make some changes.

What can we do one individual at a time? I am sure I do not have all the answers but I know we can make a start. Energy conservation is a pretty broad term so let’s break it down to some small solutions.

Do you have a bicycle gathering dust in your garage, hidden by the car? Would a little exercise help eliminate that extra weight around your middle? Or how about walking? Is the grocery less than six blocks away? Too far?

O.K., think about this: could you and your neighbor share the car trip to the grocery or the church or the library? It could be fun catching up on each other’s lives. That might also be a gallon or two of gasoline you don’t need to buy or burn.

Do you realize that all your plastic water bottles are made from petroleum as well? That suggests to me that recycling or reuse is important. At the same time I must confess I am absolutely the worst when it comes to remembering to take my canvass bag into the grocery instead of receiving still another round of petroleum-birthed plastic bags.

Planting a landscape that requires daily watering is a waste of another one of our valuable resources. It is no secret that the better way is to use native plants that are able to thrive without constant attention no matter what the weather.

Yes, I admit all of these ideas appear to be small stuff. So I want you to consider these things: the citizens of Atlantis eons ago used much different energy to accomplish their transportation needs; the builders of the pyramids moved boulders weighing tons without gasoline powered vehicles.

The huge rocks weighing many tons that are a part of the Coral Castle in Homestead Florida were moved into place at night using unusual, and as of yet undefined, energy. That energy to move such giant rocks may have been electricity or magnetism but that power was not provided by a coal burning electric plant or a gasoline powered generator.

Whether we believe it or not, we have access to the same energies used in all of these examples. Perhaps this is the time to claim our abilities on a higher level. Think for a minute what we are doing when we channel hands-on-healing to another person. Are we not using invisible energy?

Perhaps it is a different form of energy when we send healing, but knowing that is possible, could we not channel another kind of powerful energy? The possibilities involved certainly deserve our attention. One of you may be that particular person to bring forward one of those ancient energy sources.

A good beginning in our efforts to be kinder to Mother Earth would be to encourage our current day scientists to build their energy inventions by you and I monetarily supporting their ideas. Let us be willing to step up and fund the best energy saving ideas, those that give rather than take.

Let us support our best scientists and their innovative ideas and put those inventions into general use right now. We do not need to create one more gasoline powered engine. This effort of seeking workable, affordable alternatives and utilizing them could signal the start of a new era.

We need to begin today to love Mother Earth. Give her your gratitude by showing kindness and respect for her abilities. She is busy providing for all your basic needs. Thank her today.

Many of you are familiar with the work of Dr. Emoto concerning the effect of words, thoughts and emotions on water. This is what his website had to say on the issues with the Gulf:

Dr. Emoto's Healing Gulf Prayer

"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living creatures
in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings. To the whales, dolphins, pelicans,
fish, shellfish, plankton, coral, algae, and all living creatures . . .

I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you."

Thursday, June 10, 2010



What do you feel or imagine when you hear the word love? What does it say to you when you read “Love”? Does it bring a particular picture to your mind? Does it fire up your heart?

Does the word itself set you on a journey of imagination remembering a particular person, a special place or experience from your past? Is there a warm and happy glow or is the feeling tinged with sadness?

Perhaps you agree with the poet “It is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all.”

Our experiences with being loved and loving are as varied and individual as we are; however, certain easily recognized results occur when true love is present. In fact those specific results seem to be common to all of us as humans when we are giving and receiving love.

When we live in love’s vibration, resonating to the giving and receiving of love, HARMONY graces our interactions with others, our PHYSICAL HEALTH improves, our MENTAL OUTLOOK takes on a sunny optimistic quality and our CREATIVITY SOARS!

Considering such effects we can agree that having and giving love is a positive thing. So why don’t we simply create more of it in our lives? Perhaps the one real difficulty with experiencing more love and bringing additional love into our lives begins when we look for love in the wrong place, expecting it from the wrong source.

We seem to think that someone else should be responsible for bringing that love to us. Apparently we forget that all of the capability for love and loving was placed in us as our birthright. We are absolutely made of love.

All we really need to do is begin with loving and accepting ourselves. Those actions on our part will cause us to become a virtual LOVE ENERGY MAGNET!

When we live the love we truly are by accepting and loving ourselves just as we are, and accepting and loving others as they are, we become irresistible to even more love!

We have been told for our spiritual development, to rise higher, we need to love others “unconditionally”. The unfortunate truth is we stumble at loving ourselves unconditionally, not to mention the problems we encounter when we try to love others without reservations or judgments. Yes, we find loving unconditionally to be quite difficult if not absolutely impossible.

As humans we seem to be stuck in a constant state of judging our own behavior and the behavior of others. That judging tells us that many of us, and many of those around us, are doing and saying things that we find completely unlovable and perhaps unforgiveable.

Perhaps it would help if we were to do a little redefining of this “unconditional love”. What if instead of calling it unconditional love, we name it the “ultimate respect for the divine spark” that is at the heart and soul of each one of us? Loving unconditionally will flow in a natural way if we are able to acknowledge the divinity of each person as a unique creation and give his or her divine origin our respect.

To become the shining essence of love we were meant to be, to radiate that love continuously, we must also practice forgiveness. When we react to someone else’s words or actions by being emotionally hurt or by striking out at them, we must try to remember that the attitude they are presenting to us comes from within them and not us. Forgiving them, forgiving ourselves for our own reactions is healing.

Offering the gift of unconditional love in all situations makes more sense when we are willing to realize that any person always does the one thing which at the time they believe will make things better, or set things right.

Yes, it can be that they did not understand all the facts. They may have acted far too quickly without realizing the hurt that could result. Perhaps they were so desperately trying to find any solution that they simply acted on a misguided impulse. Nonetheless we can be sure that the person only took the action they felt would put things in order in their own little world.

It is not only important to love others, it is supremely important to love and respect ourselves, to forgive ourselves. When we judge ourselves, when we call ourselves “slow” or “thoughtless” or even “mean”, we hurt and impede the physical, mental and emotional flow of our bodies. Believe me when I tell you that your body hears your every word, thought and emotion.

Be kind to yourself. Be assured that the results of any repeated self condemnation will appear. It may start as a little headache, a tightness in the neck, or an uneasy feeling in the stomach but it can grow to be much worse.

Failing to forgive ourselves, failing to forgive others, keeps us stuck in the past. It can be just five minutes past or five years past or five lifetimes past, but we need, in fact, we must, forgive and let go for the sake of our personal health and spiritual progress.

The good news is as we let go of past errors or hurts, we retrieve our energy. We bring it out of the past and into the now where we can make beautiful advances on our life path, wonderful changes. Our inner vision clears. We are no longer fragmented. Once again we are whole!

Living in the present moment, we are stronger: our ideas are more vibrant, more creative. We are able to use all of our capabilities, all of our talents. With each passing day our energies become brighter and lighter as we choose and elect to live in the high vibration of unconditional love.

To step out of judgment, to find deep joy and peace, to progress to living a higher spiritual life, we must embrace love. However, to live in a continual state of love and light requires a daily practice of forgiveness. In a perfect world, we would never take offense at our own actions or the actions of others, but as long as we continue to take things personally, we must become experts in the art of forgiveness.

To forgive is to acknowledge that each one of us is simply a work in progress. We experiment with this method and that always striving for our personal idea of perfection. And, yes, sometimes our outcomes fall far short of the intended goal! Yet it becomes easier to forgive the seemingly unforgivable if we are willing to understand that no two life paths are the same, that no two people are learning their life lessons in the same way and that OUR WAY is definitely not the ONLY WAY.

Unconditional love is a universal antidote for so many of the ills and imbalances that we experience in our lives and in our world. When we come to the realization that it isn’t our job to change anyone but ourselves, and we are willing to allow others to be exactly as they are, we will enjoy a deep inner tranquility.

Living a life of unconditional love is productive, rewarding and yet oh so very peaceful.

I am always ready to offer you Spirit channeled help with any of your life questions and challenges. All appointments are completely confidential and are cassette recorded to take with you to review at your leisure.