Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Doing some miscellaneous reading the other day, I happened on to a passage that said “while tomatoes are a fruit (scientifically) we mustn’t put them in a fruit salad!”

It set me to thinking. Why not? What awful thing would happen if the two were to meet in a fruit salad? Would their various components attack each other? Have we ever actually tried the two together? Or is it simply that we have learned that this combination is unacceptable practice or incorrect for some other reason?

Now I do not suggest that we must all try this different form of fruit salad! No, what I am suggesting is that just maybe each of us might have some other suspect ideas in our life beliefs.

Could it be that we are individually or collectively holding on to ideas that have no legitimate basis? Our lives might benefit by presenting some of those ideas concerning “correct and not correct,” “good and bad” with a little closer analysis.

As you may have guessed the look at our personal beliefs could span an enormous number of subjects. After all it was all too easy to accept those ideas about right and wrong, national origin, religious faiths, and modes of dress that we felt or heard as children. We might have learned not to speak unless spoken to or offer our own feelings or thoughts at any given time!

All I am suggesting is that whenever we turn away from a new idea, a new relationship, a new thought, we ask ourselves WHY? What is the deeper reason for rejecting this? Is the rejection based on known facts or an automatic deeply engrained habit? Perhaps it is a totally legitimate action or reaction but it is healthier to determine the reasons behind the reasons.

When we allow ourselves to be open to the new things of life trying different tastes and adventures, we become more “spacious”. We begin to completely actualize our lives. We live a fuller more beautiful experience of our life path. We can see the way to enlightenment perhaps even to our own ascension.

Plus, once in a while you might just find that you actually like a splash of “tomatoes with your bananas” even on a crispy lettuce leaf!


Sunday, February 13, 2011


What is worry? Nothing at all but the entertaining of unfounded fear. Perhaps we fear that the current seemingly negative situation is much more threatening to us than it actually is or that it is becoming worse. Or we believe our imagination which continually hammers at us telling us that something awful that has not happened, will happen. In any case through worry we allow our fear to control us.

When fear is left on its own, not dealt with, it grows larger and begins to spread. What originally was about one possible problem suddenly becomes numerous possible problems. The emotion of worry continually feeds itself and manifests in unexpected, unpleasant ways as our life experience.

If we acknowledge that emotion of any kind is a powerful creative fuel, it makes sense that we would want to feed our emotions with more positive thoughts and words.

Instead of continual worry expressed through our ideas, our spoken words or even worse in our written letters, we might begin making a difference in our emotional lives by being alert to the influence of worry and then erasing it when it occurs. So what should we do, what action should we take, when worry raises its ugly head?

There is nothing like physical exercise to bring in fresh energy and ideas. Go for a walk, head for the gym. It is difficult if not impossible to worry while you’re breathing hard from a workout. Another sure fire cure and a way to change your focus is to do something for somebody else. You can always find someone who needs a cheerful word or a helping hand.

Take time in the morning to write a comprehensive list of all the things and people you are thankful for. Don’t forget to include the fact that your earth life offers you an ongoing opportunity for soul growth. If worry still creeps in you also can escort it out of your way by sending peaceful, confidence filled thoughts to your own heart and mind.

When we make a firm decision to truly love and appreciate ourselves for our efforts (regardless of all our apparent foibles and occasional confusion) our self confidence will allow us to make our way through all kinds of intruding worries and challenges with personal esteem intact.

Thoughts, emotions, words, written ideas are all energy-carrying powerful creators. The test, before you send any energy into the world, is to consider what it is capable of manifesting in your world. Is the result what you want? Will you create more problems or more solutions with the ideas you are presenting?

It is tempting to tell friends, relatives, perhaps even strangers about your problems. The fact is no one really enjoys listening to your fears or difficulties. The result of amplifying your fearful challenges is not a pleasant nor happy anticipation for others.

On a personal note there are many mornings when I need to tell myself with enthusiasm that I am “young, strong and healthy. My body knows it and my body shows it!” Why would I feed myself those thoughts? Simply because there are times when I would rather stay in bed and wallow! Occasionally I also might throw in something like “I have plenty of energy to share and to spare!”

Remember that your words, thoughts and feelings can be self-fulfilling prophecy! Be aware of your prophecies! May all your manifestations bring you overflowing Joy!


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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Every Thought, Every Word, Every Emotion

Yes, every thought, word or emotion that you have ever expressed or entertained is responsible to a greater or lesser degree for the quality of your life now and the situations that you encounter today and tomorrow.

If you are currently enjoying a “sunny skies” quality of life with good personal relationships, plenty of money, a beautifully designed home in your dream location, I would have to surmise that your thought patterns, along with your words to yourself and others, lean heavily toward the most positive energy. I would go further and say you have drawn all these pleasurable circumstances to you.

Because you and I are virtual magnets attracting everything to ourselves in accordance with the energy we exude, we also are obviously capable of changing our experiences by changing our attitudes. Nothing attracts more quickly than a repeated statement or thought accompanied by the hot fuel of strong emotion!

Anytime there is an opportunity to praise a person or situation, do it! Anytime you can offer a positive suggestion with love or offer a helping hand, do it! Need I say that good deeds and good words draw a world of good to you?

But remember too to be very gentle with yourself. We all make what we see as mistakes from time to time, but do not be harsh in judging yourself. Make a correction with an interior smile. Know that next time you will do better. Forgiving yourself, not condemning yourself, loving yourself always, allows you to be forgiving and loving toward others.

Admittedly we all have unpleasant ideas from time to time that hopefully we banish as soon as we recognize them. However, it is the oft repeated thoughts mixed with heavy emotion that form themselves in our experiences.

Even worse are the hurtful thoughts that we write. Placing negative ideas on paper, amplifying them by writing them down, gives them increased energy, a longer “life” and multiplies the possibility of drawing more and more similar negativity into our lives.

What would you like to experience tomorrow and the days thereafter? What do you deeply desire in your heart of hearts? Write it out! Put your beautiful flowing ideas on paper. Read them. Reread them. Adjust them as you feel led to do. Give them the happy living energy that creates.

For myself I manifest most easily if I repeatedly hear my own intended good. In other words, I am impressed by my own spoken word. My method to accomplish this is to record my ideas in the present tense as if they were already fully formed and in my life today. Then I play that cassette on my tape recorder at least once a day to imbed the ideas in my subconscious mind.

In other words I might record something like “I am so pleased that my new business is not only up and running but the income from it doubles every month!” Or if my concern was with a physical body situation I could say “How wonderful it is that I am more flexible and energized than when I was in high school! It is great that I have arrived at my perfect weight xxx lbs.” If friendships are the challenge perhaps something like “Being surrounded by so many happy and supportive friends makes my life complete.”

Whatever area of your life you wish to improve just be sure to frame those words to yourself as if they were already a fact. Also only speak or write words that you are able to believe and accept. Going too “far out” with your intentions can defeat you by infusing your mind with doubts. I must also emphasize that I do all of this work in absolute privacy and secrecy. It is all too easy to allow your intentions to be destroyed if you carelessly share them with others thereby soliciting opposing opinions.

How wonderful that the subconscious is an obedient and trustworthy servant. It never asks whether the information you repeat to it is true. No, it simply reaches out to the universe to create your desire in the form you wish.

As you begin programming positive changes in your life and experiences, remember that it is not a matter of making no effort. As you fill your subconscious with the new pictures of your life you will begin to receive ideas of actions that you need to take to move things along. You might get a feeling of joining a particular club, making a change in your work place or eating different foods. Be sure to act on the ideas that resonate with your intuition.

If ever you find yourself getting far too tense and wound up over something, look for a little humor in the situation. If you will adjust your focus, I believe you can find something to laugh about in anything. Although, so as not to offend, you might have to restrain a giggle till you are out of ear shot. As a tonic and healing elixir laughter will bring relaxation to your mind and body, and hopefully a better perspective on any challenge.

One last thought: watch where and on what you are placing your powerful emotions. Love, passion, wonder, excitement and pervasive curiosity are just some of the emotions that can be used for positive creating. But allowing yourself to be angry over events you cannot control is only inviting more negativity. Instead turn to a daily practice of seeking out the highest and best in everything and everyone.

Remember emotion properly applied is the catalyst, the real fuel that will help you to manifest surely and quickly the good you desire! I wish each one of you Happy Creating.
