A few weeks ago I made a decision. I decided that every client who came to me for a reading, a chakra clearing, intuitive development or any other of my services should receive “extra”. Although I have always given my best, I felt every one of them deserved even more channeled energy, more information and more personal attention to their needs and desires.
While it is true that I never have set a “timer” on my services, this was going the next step. I wanted everyone I served to feel that they were receiving the best available without any reservations, absolutely no holding back on my part. I wanted them to receive my undivided attention and feel that they were the focus of all my efforts for the entire time we were together.
It seemed like a simple enough decision on the surface. Certainly I didn’t want any complacency to creep into my work. What happened next was anything but simple.
That one decision seemed to put all of my personal guides and teachers on high alert. An intense flow of information began coming to me whenever I was working with someone. Startling new insights and personal revelations were forthcoming.
The result of all the higher level guidance which poured through me into others was a series of astounding breakthroughs not only for me but for many of my clients. Many times I found myself in complete awe of the changes that happened to individuals in any one session. The bright colors and intense sounds that arrived were of a new wave length. There was a feeling that people became alive in a way they never had been before.
I am not aware of all the reasons that I decided to inculcate the policy of “extra” but I will always be grateful that I made it a permanent and important part of my work. Giving more has not only brought greater satisfaction to me as I view the dynamic results, it has brought a higher level of spirit realization to my clients.
As I think about it, perhaps giving the “extra” is in essence a result of my basic decision that everyone deserves the very best. It is simply my way of being certain that every soul I serve receives my unconditional love and acceptance.
Whatever work you do, whatever employment or job you perform, I can highly recommend giving it your highest and best, your personal “extra”. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Thank you angels, guides, masters and teachers. You are always with me and I am grateful.
Labels: lifepath, Light Bearers, LOVE