Last night seemed the perfect time to take a look at my list of intentions, the desires I have for my future. I like to keep everything in that written list fresh and current. Reason being I tend to design potentially powerful affirmations concerning those situations I want to create in my life. Naturally those affirmations need to be kept up to date and as lively as possible.
Funny thing, as I went down that list I discovered my priorities had changed. Those all-important number one items had slipped to number five or were completely out! I shouldn’t have been surprised. I am not the same woman I was a few months ago or perhaps even a few weeks ago.
We all change as we go through life learning, getting a slap or two and hopefully awakening to our Spirit focus with more clarity. It only makes sense that those desires we embraced yesterday or last week or last year as our all-important goals lose their luster. Thankfully over time as our goals change they have a tendency to become more inspiration driven than ego demanded. Yes, we begin to access our inner silence where all power resides and start listening with our hearts.
Perhaps it would be helpful if I explained what caused me so much introspection yesterday. For some reason I felt compelled to spend some time sorting through my clothes closet. It seemed over full. I tried on this, that and the other dress and suit becoming more and more dissatisfied. Finally I hit on the reason for rejecting nearly all the “going out” clothes.
Why? It was not that the hot weather of Tucson demanded different attire. It was not that any of those items were worn out or even unfashionable. No, the reason was that the clothing I had saved and preserved so carefully just was not “me” anymore. They physically fit just fine. The problem was they no longer spiritually fit. I changed. The outfits had not. They represented the old me not the new and improved version.
My first thought was to send all of the “stuff”, no matter how presentably clean and neat, to the thrift store. I probably should have done just that but I am a little too conservative. However, I immediately gathered up three of the most unsuitable and took them to the nearby store. They will all go there eventually, probably one or two pieces at a time as I feel able to let go of the past “me” they represent.
Change is sometimes daunting even when it involves a few pieces of clothing. I am grateful to be able to understand what I was feeling yesterday. Simply understanding gives me a path to move forward with surer, clearer, more obvious and apparent steps. I love my life. I love my work. And I want to be completely able to accept and embrace all the changes as they come.
I hope all your changes and adjustments are easy ones. But, if they are not, be grateful for the newness they bring to your life and smile anyway! It really helps.
Reverend Lois Cheney