Friday, November 27, 2009


As we prepare to birth the new year, our thoughts may be on the year now past. Perhaps we feel many things could have been better. We see loss in various human arenas…finance, institutions, relationships, and more. We may have regrets over some of our personal actions or inactions, those things we did or failed to do. We may feel abused, even victimized, by the actions of others.

We need to ask ourselves if we want a rehash of 2009 or if we are willing to make the effort to create situations and events in and around us that are truly new. If we want our new year to be different than this past year, we must begin to think, act and feel differently about ourselves and our experiences.

At this special time of new beginnings I offer some ideas to bring you confidence that the new year will be completely and pleasingly new! First, forget the so called “failures” of the twelve months past. Those losses along with the days that produced them are over. Whip out a sheet of paper and begin to write everything you ever did that was a “win”.

Call your list RIGHT ACTIONS. Documenting your “wins” as a list will be the first step toward your intended new journey. It will imbue you with the knowledge and deep seated belief that you are a successful Spirit filled human.

On your “Right Actions” list write every successful, generous, loving thing you have ever done. For instance, “providing extra food for others to brighten their holidays made me feel good,” Or “I decided to finish the college course which led to my being accepted as a …” Or perhaps, “buying that first little house set me on a good road to identifying winning investments.” Or, “I made a special effort to make my mother comfortable in our final weeks together.”

Whatever you did at any time that brought you a good feeling about yourself, your motives and your abilities write it on your list! The act of writing anything gives it special enlivening energy.

The reason for this exercise is not to encourage living in the past but rather to take you back there long enough to remember those special positive power filled times of yesterday. By reacquainting yourself with your successes of the past you are simply reminding yourself that the power you used then is the power you can elect to use now and in the future.

What name do you give your power? What channel are you tuned to? Do you think of it as the energy of intuition, Spirit, God, I Am that I Am, high self, Light or Love? Whatever name you give to it that power is yours to use in any way you can think, dream or imagine.

By making the “Right Actions” list you will begin to remember many successful ventures for which you may not have given yourself credit. The point of creating the list is for you to visualize and magnify a winning, successful image of you. When you see yourself as a creative winner you will engage more wonderful productive ideas. You will have more success with anything you do.

Did you know that your powerful subconscious will always carry out your orders? Every repetitious thought and emotion you feed to it will be saved, worked with and brought to manifestation. It is a 24-hour-a-day worker. It never becomes tired and it never grows old.

Even more than manifesting your power filled ideas, your subconscious keeps a bank of information that you did not impower. Ask it for some solutions and ideas and it will do the research. Or ask its associate your personal dream maker for answers. You have truly unlimited resources waiting your call.

When you access your own “feel good” emotion you have accessed your personally powerful fuel and igniter fluid for constructive manifestation. You can focus that energy to build the life you have dreamed of. You have always known what you desire and now you have the way to ignite those desires.

By your concentration on your personal successes you are throwing out all your preconceived limits. When you throw out limiting ideas and concepts you are free to engage fully with your personal light filled future.

It is no secret that most of us can tell you what didn’t work in our lives or what isn’t working. Why fritter away our dynamic energy resources on such a wasteful pastime? Let us speak instead of how much we love today and invest our energy here. Let us speak of the bright future that stretches out in front of us. Make our words work for us rather than against us.

Creating a new “new year” for ourselves does not happen by chance. It takes a desire on the part of each one of us to let go of the actions and ideas that did not work and focus on the ones that did!

A particularly good idea at this time of year is to clean house in any way you can. In other words, if you have not used a particular item in the last 12 months, get rid of it. Give it away to someone who could use it. Recycle it! If you are falling over unused possessions and storing some under your bed it is time to make some decisions about where you are using your energy.

The other part of house cleaning is a little different. When a particular personal habit is a stumbling block, it not only has to be removed but it has to be replaced! It is good to remember that anytime you create a vacuum by removing an idea or emotion, you need to replace it with something more positive. Otherwise that hole that is left in your life experience will be filled with the “first available”, in other words, the luck of the draw.

Keep adding to your success list whenever you remember one of your personal winning actions. Adding to your list will build your confidence. It will impress upon you that you are worthwhile and capable of great deeds. Each one of you has special talents and enormous creativity. Believing in yourself will reveal more of your abilities.

Through this list making exercise you will find other new and sometimes startling inventive ideas floating to the surface. Do not ignore your new ideas. Keep a second list of POSSIBILITIES.

Allow the ideas to approach you as they are without placing immediate judgment on them. In other words, just because a particular idea seems beyond your abilities at the moment, too much like “pie in the sky” write it down anyway. Remember that tomorrow everything can change. What seems impossible today may be exactly the action that will work for you next week.

Do not throw away any of your inspired thoughts. WHEN IN DOUBT…WRITE IT DOWN!

Be aware that some of your best most workable ideas may come to you in dreamtime. Write them down the very minute you wake. Even if you cannot understand the metaphor or unusual language of a dream, write it down. Do not let any of these special inspirations escape into forgetfulness.

Pay attention to your colorful daydreams as well. Daydreams can carry wonderful inspirations that are worthy of your notice. Daydreaming is a way of trying out ideas and seeing the probable results. Let no idea wither for lack of your investigation.

The importance of written lists is that we are able to see things in a more concrete form. When ideas are standing side by side on paper we can evaluate much more directly. Clarity of thought is more likely.

Make this new year of yours shine with the ultimate in newness. Make it your best new year yet.

I am Reverend Lois Cheney, psychic medium. If I can assist you in any way with a Spirit filled reading call me at (941)961-2783 or E-Mail:

Friday, November 13, 2009


It was just two weeks ago this coming Sunday through an unexpected invitation I found myself teaching one of my favorite workshops on the east coast of Florida. That workshop that I offer from time to time is my introduction to extra sensory development, just a taste of the way or path to psychic development.

As usual I brought boxes of “tools” with me that I use to keep the focus of attendees. I set up my easel and flip chart. All was going according to plan as we worked our way through the exercises both mental and physical. I spoke of my own early and sometimes laughable experiences with spirits and apparitions.

Then something unusual happened. I flipped to the next illustration on the chart. It was a simple outline of a heart. In the center of the heart in rose colored crayon was the word JOY. One woman jumped up from her chair and said “I like that!

I do love effusive people. Her energy was a real boost to most everyone. Hers was certainly a positive exclamation but not the end of the reactions to the drawing of the heart and “Joy” from the rest of the class.

No one else commented aloud regarding the particular drawing but it was the varied energies the others were emitting that surprised me. There were a few nods of agreement and then…

With some of the students there seemed to be a distrust of the word itself as if it contained some sort of threat perhaps could not be accepted or counted on to be positive. One of the participants actually recoiled as if in fear. Is it possible that someone could be afraid of going beyond being surface happy, of accessing joy in depth? If that were so what could be the reason?

To figure out this puzzle I began considering where joy comes from, where it originates. Certainly joy is more than mere pleasure. It has a depth beyond pleasure. The deep upwelling emotion of joy resonates throughout the body and mind. I dare say true joy is a soul promoted emotion.

Perhaps it comes and goes quickly or only occasionally as we move through our lives. But to truly live joy each day every day one would have to have a deep sense of gratitude not only for his own life but for every person and situation in his life.

How could that thankfulness or gratitude be brought forward? Can we create it at will?

It is certain that life is full of changes and surprises, some pleasant, some not so pleasant. Could it be that you and I are capable of making a conscious decision to be thankful for all our varied situations, people and events? Could we suspend ego-led judgment long enough to be thankful for all our experiences whether filled with tears or laughter? And if we stuck by that mental decision to be grateful in all things could we perhaps invite more joy into our hearts and lives?

At that point in my analyzing I began to realize that Joy and Unconditional Love were inseparable. They are two halves of one thing. If Joy were accessed one would have to be at least at that moment in a state of loving and accepting everything and everyone just as they are. That state of being in unconditional love and acceptance might be all too brief but it would seem that it naturally coexists at the moment when Joy is flooding the heart.

To go a step further is it possible then that the only healing tool we would ever need is found in being unconditionally loving and accepting of ourselves and others? Could love filled joy be the one medicine that would take away any of our distress or disease?

That idea brought me right back to the person in my class that appeared to be literally afraid of Joy. Now I know from experience that some people will cling to their illnesses because that particular disease or condition is providing some sort of benefit in their lives.

The discomfort may be giving them the attention they crave from another person. Holding on to that distress may be their reason for not attempting some task that they do not want to pursue. Whatever the reason for not accepting their own healing, they continuing to hold on to that ailment because it provides what they, on some level of consciousness, believe is necessary in their lives.

Following that reasoning, if Joy were to be a part of their daily living, the disease that has been their rock, their saving grace, their focal point might be taken away. Loosing that kind of stability, however questionable the logic, would certainly be reason enough to fear the dynamic healing arrival of Joy coupled with the unconditional love of self and others.

There is of course another possibility. Perhaps the real fear is that the beautiful flooding of Joy into and from the heart is all too temporary. Perhaps the fear is that when that Joy is not present or seems inaccessible the emotions and stability will go into free fall.

From time to time we all suffer through the ups and downs of emotion but we do not live in fear of a total downward spiral just because life does not conform to our idea of perfect. Most of us have learned the real benefits of keep our “sunny side up”. Good thoughts, good emotions, bring good results.

My response to the thought that Joy is too temporary is to suggest that each of us begin at once to carve a reliable path to Joy. I suggest we find a way to access or create Joy in our lives. For instance, we all need the feeling and knowledge that our lives are supported by Spirit. Because that is true let us begin to reassure ourselves daily that we are made of the divine Light and Love of Spirit. Reinforce our own worthiness throughout the day.

Cause yourself to become aware, to feel that Light and Love lifting you, guiding you from one moment to the next. Remind yourself daily that you are Light, you are Love. Do this and thankfulness, love and all pervasive Joy will become your way of life.

The original question I asked myself was “Is Joy your birthright?” I can now say I believe that it is but like any gift or talent or ability Joy has to be accepted, appreciated and above all used. Joy is that state of expanding love and acceptance. Accessing the Joy that is naturally yours will change your life and the lives of all those whom you touch.

My personal joy is found in helping others to fully actuate their lives. My pleasure comes from seeing my clients successfully pursue the life path of their design. If I can help you with any life questions or directions call or e-mail me, Reverend Lois Cheney for your private clairvoyant reading.

I now offer individually designed and personalized one-on-one intuitive development lessons. All work is completely confidential and you will have a cassette recording of your counseling session for your later review.

Reverend Lois Cheney Telephone: (941) 961-2783 or

Sunday, November 1, 2009


My daughter came to me the other day to report that her pendulum was not working! I asked her what she meant. She said she had asked it whether she should keep her current job or look for another one. I admit I had to laugh.

“Dear daughter, you didn’t ask one question you asked two. Your pendulum couldn’t give you a yes or no answer.” She knows whenever we use a pendulum we must ask very specific questions to get very specific answers.

I could have gone further with my questions to her. I wanted to ask her what sort of mood and energy she was working with when she used the pendulum. I decided I had asked quite enough for a mere mother.

Here is what would have worked for her: “Should I keep my current job for the remainder of this year to gain the best experience in my field of work?” Or possibly this: “Is there a job available locally in my field at this time for which I am qualified that would pay me an extra $50 per week? How about: “Have I received all the promotions at this company that the employers are willing to give to me within the next six months?”

Each of the above alternative questions could be answered with a definite yes or no. Any one of them would have provided at least part of the information she desired.

Pendulums when correctly used to dowse for information are great tools. There are a few caveats however. First it is important that you are personally balanced and grounded before using the pendulum. There are numerous personal clearing and grounding techniques that work well and take only moments to use.

For clearing and grounding I like to imagine that I am pulling some of the beautiful golden energy of the central sun of our cosmos through my crown chakra. I allow that energy to spread throughout my physical body including all the nerves, cells and muscles. I then send that energy into the very center of the earth to be cleaned or recycled. I pull the renewed energy back up through my body once more.

If I still feel less than grounded or a little scattered, I am inclined to repeat the exercise for a total of three times. Assuming that you are grounded, cleared and balanced, your personality and ego opinions will be safely out of the way! The road will be clear for the arrival of Truth.

Second it is advisable to ask whether the current moment is appropriate for gaining the information you seek. The timing may or may not be right. The energies around the subject may be such that the information would not be accurate.

Third, if you are going to offer information to another person on their behalf, it is also good to ask whether you should! It is not always for someone’s higher good.

Fourth, ask for the highest and best source energy to guide your pendulum. That energy that you believe to be the most pure, positive and reliable whether you call it the White Light, the Cosmic I AM or God or identify it by some other name.

Following the above steps will assure you of the best results. You are then ready to ask that very definite and specific question!

Have fun with your pendulum. Use it often. When the steps for getting prepared become second nature to you, your pendulum or any other dowsing or divining device you use will work even better.

Your life path decisions are very important. When answers are difficult to find call me, Reverend Lois Cheney, for your personal, completely confidential, clairvoyant reading. I will counsel with you in my Sarasota, Florida studio or by telephone. All readings are preserved on a cassette tape for your later review.

I channel the most accurate information available from your own guides, masters and teachers. I am also able to bring spirit messages from your departed loved ones. If past life experiences are important to your current situations, they can be explored as well.

Call or E-Mail: Reverend Lois Cheney

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