Tuesday, April 27, 2010


You are powerful. You have the right and the power to be completely in charge of your own life. You have all the options. You and only you have the right to decide what emotions you will feel, what thoughts you will think. YOU ARE THE DETERMINING ENERGY FOR YOUR LIFE.

Let’s talk about habits for a minute. Habits can be very helpful. For instance you don’t bother to think where the light switch is in the bathroom because you have turned it on hundreds of times. You can find a spoon for your coffee almost without looking. Perhaps you wake in the morning without an alarm clock. Well worn habit pathways make life easier but I am sure you know not all habits are beneficial.

Returning to our topic of emotions and thoughts: If I asked how you regulate your emotional barometer, how diligently you are controlling your emotions, you might tell me for instance “My emotions just happen.” “I have no control over my automatic emotions.” “I can’t change them.”

Ah, but perhaps your emotions “just happen” because of the well worn habit pathways you have created. Perhaps they “just happen” because long ago, albeit unconsciously, you decided which way to react to certain similar situations and that reaction pathway became habit.

On the matter of thoughts, I grant you that many times they simply seem to fly unbidden in and out of our heads. Nonetheless, you can decide which ones you will allow to live in your mind, which ones you will house. You have the power to send away those ideas and images that are not for your best good.

Let me say this: you can decide today, this very minute, to keep or abandon any old emotional reaction as well as any old thought. If the patterns you made long ago do not please you today, erase them, discard them. You can decide to begin right now to feel and think in an entirely different way, forge a new path. You are a virtual master of those positive changes if you wish to be.

Yet, many of us continue to give away our power to others. We react to seemingly negative comments or actions of a friend, spouse, or family member. Perhaps we bring our temper to bear either silently or aloud on the actions and words of an unhappy clerk in the store. We keep mentally rehearsing a hurtful incident minutes perhaps hours long past.

How do I know this? I have caught myself more than once mentally piling up what I considered to be wrong actions taken, wrong words spoken, by my daughter. Fortunately when my personal outward emotional explosion happened the other day, the result of an incident which for me was “one last straw,” my daughter was at work and not physically present.

In order to encounter a “last straw” you have to be collecting a lot of straws! I am working on myself to let go of things when they happen or even as they are happening rather than putting them in an emotionally charged shoebox for later use.

When you or I react negatively to another person’s ideas and actions we hurt ourselves! Even worse than just the effect of a heavy emotional reaction on the very cells of our physical body and mind is the fact that through experiencing and giving space in our hearts to that emotion, we GIVE AWAY OUR ENERGY to the offending situation or person. Is that what we really want to do?

Over and over again we amplify the very thing we do not want to see manifest in our lives. How foolish is that? We use our ability to create the exact opposite of our heartfelt desires.

Living your personal truth is challenge enough without giving attention to every other word, thought, advice or direction that is offered to you. It is not bad to be sensitive to what is happening around you. Go ahead, be aware. You can listen. You can listen to everything. Just monitor your reactions carefully. What are you storing in your body and mind?

There are people who will tell you it is “flu season”. “Everybody is getting it.” Decide if you wish to accept that belief. Someone may say to you that because your whole family has a history of this or that malady, you most certainly will succumb. Is that what you want? “They” may tell you that because of current financial situations your new business has to fail. Do you want to quit before you start? Be selective in those ideas that you internalize because positive or negative they will manifest.

It is always good to pick up helpful ideas from others; however, it is most assuredly detrimental to your life progress to accept every seemingly offensive word or action that on the surface appears to be aimed at you. Take only that advice which resonates with your innermost guide. Let the rest go. Let that which is not for your best good float away on the breeze.

No matter how much effort you make, how wonderful your social skills, how loving you are, not everybody is going to like you. Not everybody is going to applaud your way of doing things…not your family, not your friends, not your lover. The most important skill you can learn is to allow criticism to slide right off of you. Knowing who you are, what your goals are, and taking some action every day to achieve those goals, that is what is important.

Recognizing that every individual who is present today has different lessons, different life direction is a big boost to finding your personal tolerance, your ability to honestly smile and allow. As long as you are not receiving any physical harm simply allow others to think and do as they would. It certainly is not up to you or me to decide what is right or wrong for another’s life.

This attitude of allowing and accepting would seem to be the most difficult for us in the case of friends and family. For whatever reason we all seem to be particularly talented in recognizing the faults of others. My advice? Send the Light and Love to all, see the Light and Love, be the Light and Love. It is always appropriate. In many cases it is the best you can do. Whether it is accepted or not, it is always absolutely correct.

Know that other folk’s “mistakes” maybe exactly what they need to learn and grow. Don’t take away their lessons. It is not for their best good. Offer advice only when seriously asked. Many times that apparent call for help is not for you to fix anything but rather is really only a call for you to be a good listener.

You and I have chosen to live in this world of opposites. Yes, it was our decision. I believe our most valuable learning comes from observing the interplay of the positive and negative. If we will rise to our personal challenges, if we dare to be that which our innermost self would have us be, we will have lived the best of lives. Live from your heart and soul. Spirit’s wisdom will knock on your door every day sometimes in pleasing attire and sometimes in rags.

I believe in differences. I believe in your personal uniqueness. I encourage you to explore all your gifts, all your talents. Throw away any inhibitions or fears that you have collected along the way. I know each one of you is unique in all this earth. You are special, valuable and important. Claim your personal power. This is your chance for the best life ever. Use it to the fullest. TAKE CHARGE OF YOU!

Questions? RevLois@gmail.com or

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Where is your focus? What impressions are you weaving into your life? Are you surrounding yourself with the ideas and emotions you wish to see manifest?

I have experienced so many ‘miracles’ in my own life. Yet the miraculous quality of each of them should have been no surprise. Why? Because the truth is this: whatever thoughts and feelings we store in our minds, whatever we observe every day and accept as normal or possible, that situation, event or thing is going to make an appearance in our experience.

It is certainly not news to any of you that the thoughts and visions of violence as portrayed in movies and television tend to breed violence, whereas love images and actions create more love. But perhaps you have never given serious thought to something as simple as the decoration in your living space or office attracting the kind of energy that those decorations portray and exude.

Take a thoughtful look at the pictures, paintings or prints that hang on your walls. You see them every day. Look at those items of decoration that have been with you for some time. Do they speak of pleasant experiences, beautiful vistas or loneliness and isolation? Do they bring feelings of a new and wonderful day?

Frankly, I never paid much attention to my pictures as long as they were a good color, reasonably attractive and the right price, but I have changed my attitude. I have had to acknowledge that my own wall decoration is an amplified “treasure map” to my destiny!

Let me explain why. Many of you may have used treasure mapping. It is simply a process of selecting symbols that are of the things, people, and places you wish to experience in your life. There is usually some religious symbol in the center of a poster board surrounded by examples of family life, recreation, finances etc. The idea being that if you continually see the map you will eventually attract those things you desire.

Here is the point. For a number of months there were two pictures on my bedroom wall, both of them quite large. I appreciated each of them for their beauty but did not credit them with anything further. One print was of a lovely beach scene complete with a lighthouse and a tall lady with a flowing gown.

The other picture was of a tropical entry way to an unseen home. The entry was framed by large white marble pillars. Just behind the pillars were two black wrought iron gates opening inward. There was the impression of water and a magnificent home beyond the gates. It seemed to say ‘welcome’.

Now here is where it gets interesting. Prior to a trip that I had scheduled for the east coast of Florida I was reading in my bedroom. I happened to look up to the corner of the room and realized that the huge ‘entry way’ picture was being reflected in my equally large mirror hanging 45 degrees opposite it.

The two formed a right angle to each other in the corner. The illusion was that the mirror offered a three dimensional access to an unseen elegant home beyond the gates. In other words it appeared to be a way to walk right into the scene.

Just the appearance seemed to make me breathless. I called to my daughter in the other room so that she could see it too. We were both in awe. Neither of us understood the symbolism at that time but it seemed important.

Apparently those two pictures had been seeping into my life each day with energy. Upon my arrival at the scheduled time on the coast, I had a surprise waiting. I will tell you it is not unusual for me to be asked to psychically, spiritually and energetically clear homes and offices. It is a matter of removing inappropriate energies and replacing them with some that are more positive. But this time, by virtue of its’ size, the request that greeted me was huge.

I was employed to change the energies in a 22,000 square foot home! I was delighted to accept the opportunity although the scope of the project was rather daunting. The process took several hours over two days. And yes, as you may have already guessed, the home sported the entry way I had been seeing on my bedroom wall for several months.

Finally I could literally ‘walk right into the scene’. Just as impressive was the fact that the mansion was built upon more than an acre with open access to, and view of, the Atlantic Ocean. Two pictures, one beautiful outcome.

If you would like to experience more joy, contentment and forward motion on your life path, phone or e-mail for your private consultation. Reverend Lois Cheney, E-mail: RevLois@gmail.com or phone (941)961-2783

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