Wednesday, April 30, 2008


While working as a psychic trance medium, I spend hours in the future. On behalf of my clients, I look into their future and busily trace possible outcomes resulting from their current decisions and actions.

After all, this is why clients come to me. They come with a myriad of questions about existing situations or desired changes in their personal lives. They want to know what they can do now to affect tomorrow in a positive way.

I am personally fulfilled by helping clients in this way. Whenever I receive confirmation from one of my clients that some information which was retrieved “in session” was beneficial, it gives me great satisfaction. It tells me that this is the work I was born to do.

Having said all of that, the way for any of us to move into a more productive, abundant future is to be fully present in the now. Our tomorrows will be there when the time comes. It is in this now moment that we can make the potent changes which will insure a better future for each of us.

Looking backward into the past can give information or clues as to why we feel the way we do. The past can suggest why we individually act the way we do, but very few of us really want to remain stuck in our yesterdays or to relive the past. We as humans have a built in drive to always do better! We actively seek new experiences.

Let me on the other hand acknowledge while praising the value to be found in today, that I am all for futuristic daydreaming. The truth is daydreaming combined with intense emotion is a strong creative force. The combination of imagination, emotion and belief or faith will manifest those personal daydreams whether those thoughts and mental pictures are good or bad, positive or negative.

What I am suggesting is that perhaps our creative daydreaming needs to be controlled as to when and where it occurs and carefully analyzed for content!

Too often we are simply not present at times when we need to be. I believe that personal intuition should play a very beneficial protective and productive role in each of our lives. However, if we do not practice being fully present in our daily activities, we risk failing to pick up the “signs” and “signals”. Through lack of attention, we can ignore, or simply fail to recognize, our own highest spirit advice.

Being completely present in the now, allows us to feel and to see on a much more accurate level. The result of clear in-depth perceptions is our ability to take advantage of opportunities that might otherwise escape our attention. Further, that kind of “extra sensory knowing” can allow us to avoid potential pitfalls.

Being completely alert and aware throughout your day will bring the best results. When you need special answers, do your “looking” in your meditation room or other private place away from interruptions. It is not necessary to retreat for hours or days to the top of the mountain or even to leave your home.

You have all the ability you require to contact your highest self right where you are. Seek privacy and ask. Ask your guides. Ask your angels. Ask your higher power. Just ask!

You have truly valuable information just waiting for your questions. Offer your receptivity to your highest spirit self! Grab a pen and be prepared for concrete and practical answers.

May I help you with information from your personal guides and teachers? Would you like to contact loved ones who have passed to the other side? I am available for your private appointment and counseling session.

I work from my home office in Bella Vista, Arkansas. I will read for you either at my home or by telephone. Each session is recorded on a cassette and given to you for your later review. All your information is strictly confidential.

For your appointment time --- call Reverend Lois at (479) 657-6491.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


You live on a beautiful, abundant earth. Thousands of varieties of plants, animals, and fish thrive here. The sun shines and the water shimmers. Everywhere you look there is overflowing life and growth. All that is on the planet seems to be moving toward increase. There appears to be plenty of every good thing.

But we are “civilized” and civilized society requires one thing to enjoy all of this beauty: the energized food, comfortable and safe homes, recreation, joyous travel, etc. That one requirement placed upon your desires is Money.

Regrettably, in the pursuit of that money, many of us take jobs or other employment that make us miserable or even hopeless. We toil away at work that does not utilize our greatest talents and we lose our self worth. We persist at these unsuitable occupations purely for the purpose of creating the flow of money in and out of our lives.

At this time in our society money is necessary! Having and utilizing money for our comfort and enjoyment is good. But equally important is utilizing our special abilities that bring forth the talent and passion of our lives.

You and I came into this earth experience with dynamic purpose. We each have important goals. We each need to learn the unique lessons we designed before our incarnation. Our individual work needs to emphasize these lessons and goals.

If we will take the time to go within, to ask advice of Spirit, better choices will be presented. Let us get still, meditate and ask! We need to know what course, which path, will access the Soul’s greatest gifts. When we understand the direction or pursuit that makes our heart sing, we have found the best for ourselves and our growth.

It is through the pursuit of our Soul’s desires that work becomes the greatest of blessings. Our days are full of creativity. Our tasks are expressions of joy. We greatly increase the overall abundance of our lives.

As our Soul thrives, we begin to fully embody our Spirit. Every day becomes a spiritual experience. We watch with ever increasing wonder as our personal abundance expands to include more than just financial wealth. It spills over into better relationships, more peace, more energy and a feeling of high gratitude just for our being.

As we acknowledge and follow the deep seated wants of our Soul, we become a gift to all those people we touch. By our example, we influence the world around us. Our positive approach to our own life is the best thing we can do for the larger energy of this earth.

While we appear to be individual, we are always part of all that is. We, with our attitudes and ideas, are continually affecting the progress of all. Let us be the up lifters. Let us be the shining lights we were intended to be.

Give your Soul and your Spirit full sway! You and I can make a difference this day by fully embracing and expressing our personal truth.

Call today for your Life Reading. As a psychic trance medium, I am able to answer your pressing questions. Through your guides and teachers, I can help you make wise choices. All consultations are completely confidential.

For a private appointment by phone or in person, telephone Reverend Lois in Bella Vista, Arkansas at (479)657-6491. A cassette recording of your reading is always included for your later review.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Finding and developing your authentic self can be a lifelong effort. Many of you are seeking to know your souls’ purpose for this lifetime. With all the enlightenment you desire, it must seem at times that there is no more than a candle’s dim flicker of direction or information.

One step toward the uncovering of your personal life path or purpose is your development of intuition or extra sensory perception. When the desire is to uncover or reveal a life path, the intuition needed is akin to remembering on a deep inner level. Each of you has full knowledge of your ultimate goal, but it is up to you to “remember” the plan.

With a highly developed intuition, in conjunction with quiet meditation, you will find that much wisdom comes to the surface. When you are quiet and willing to listen to the highest part of your consciousness, then the reasoning limits, those placed on you by daily life, move into the background. TRUTH steps forward and secrets are revealed.

Those fortunate ones of you, who are totally certain of your life path and purpose, are accessing in this moment an energy of such strength that you need little else. That spirit-led energy can help you find many of the positive shortcuts to your goals. Spirit can and will lift you up and over the rough spots to your ultimate destination if you will ask!

Yes, that is the big “if”. To get help, ask. Ask your guides. Ask your angels. Ask your own highest, spirit directed self. The clues are there. All your personal helpers are standing by, just waiting for you to ask.

Each one of you has come into this life experience with all the unique talents you need to complete your life’s specific tasks and special purpose. Your overall pattern for this incarnation was decided by you and your teachers, long before you arrived on the earth plain.

Remember at those times when you stub a metaphorical toe or find yourself sitting on the “hot seat”, that this life is about gaining experience. Not all experiences can be fun and games, but you can be grateful for every learning experience.

Gratitude for your life, thankfulness for every pleasant and harsh situation alike, pours out an extra measure of energy just for you. Being grateful for all your relationships, all your lessons, absolutely creates a more bountiful, abundant life.

Soon, you will see much more of the good and less of the unpleasant, if only because that is where you have put your attention. When you insist on judging everything in a more positive way as “just another learning event” rather than good or bad, you will profit in many ways. There will be no need to label anyone, including yourself, as anything other than a work in progress. Your days will flow with peace and progress.

When you come to me as a client and I work with you in my capacity as a psychic (clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient), I am able to bring information from your personal guides and teachers. Information also comes through me when I enter a light trance state from your highest spirit and soul on any subject that concerns you.

Pictures, words, sounds and concepts that are channeled through me to you can be of immense help in pursuing and obtaining your own best results. Situations that were previously unclear can be accurately revealed and solutions offered.

Any psychic reading should offer the possibility of deeper more satisfying involvement with one’s own life experience. A reading should hold forth specific ways to access an intense and productive learning experience for you throughout this life. A reading should provide direction and hope for the future!

When you are ready for some extra help with your life decisions, give me a call in Bella Vista, Arkansas. I will schedule a private reading for you at a convenient time. As always, I provide a complete cassette recording of your personal session. Bring all you questions!

Telephone Reverend Lois, (479)657-6491.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Many of us live our lives under the guidance of carefully guarded and protected beliefs. Wherever or whenever these closely held beliefs originated in the past, we now have given them the power to create our thoughts.

These beliefs allow us to make certain assumptions or judgments about ourselves or others. We take action according to the dictates of our beliefs. In fact, the energy created by our repetitive thoughts literally draws in the people and events of our lives.

If all of the above is true, why should we be surprised when very little of our daily experience seems to change or vary to any great degree? Are we satisfied with the results we have created? Could it be that it is time to make a change in the way we think?

What might happen if we began to allow our thinking to come from a different platform? What if we began to question our belief system? Will you acknowledge that we could start questioning our usual beliefs, begin operating in the “now time” rather than from the structured beliefs of the past?

I believe to create unlimited possibilities, to live our lives fully, to live without needless restrictions, we need to access the wisdom and spirit of our hearts. We must start being “HEART WISE”. Once we act solely from decisions that are based in the energy and wisdom of love, we will no longer need to cause any sort of hurt to ourselves or others.

When we think and respond to the events of our lives from our personal love center, there is no longer self criticism or condemnation of others. We begin to see there are no mistakes, only experience. We see everything simply “is”, not “right” or not “wrong”. We can observe ourselves and others without needless, useless heavy judgment.

This viewing everything and everyone, including ourselves, through the eyes of love, will bring amazing changes to our individual lives. That change would allow us to live up to the potential and power which we are. We would unleash our creativity. Each of us would be freed to express our personal life plan, to be totally and fully involved with the unfoldment of our own life.

More than that, this loving, allowing energy has the amazing potential to bring previously unbelievable changes to our world. Can you even begin to imagine the peace that would pervade every sector of our society? What would be the result if loving thoughts, words and actions were all?

Through my ongoing work with individual clients, I have the privilege of seeing beautiful changes in their lives. I would like to help you with any challenges or questions you have. All you need do is telephone me, Reverend Lois in Bella Vista, Arkansas. We will set a time for your personal, private reading.

All readings are strictly confidential. The counseling sessions are either in my home or by telephone. In either case, you will have a cassette recording of your reading to take with you. Call for your appointment, Reverend Lois, (479) 657-6491. I look forward to meeting with you.