Monday, April 7, 2008


Many of us live our lives under the guidance of carefully guarded and protected beliefs. Wherever or whenever these closely held beliefs originated in the past, we now have given them the power to create our thoughts.

These beliefs allow us to make certain assumptions or judgments about ourselves or others. We take action according to the dictates of our beliefs. In fact, the energy created by our repetitive thoughts literally draws in the people and events of our lives.

If all of the above is true, why should we be surprised when very little of our daily experience seems to change or vary to any great degree? Are we satisfied with the results we have created? Could it be that it is time to make a change in the way we think?

What might happen if we began to allow our thinking to come from a different platform? What if we began to question our belief system? Will you acknowledge that we could start questioning our usual beliefs, begin operating in the “now time” rather than from the structured beliefs of the past?

I believe to create unlimited possibilities, to live our lives fully, to live without needless restrictions, we need to access the wisdom and spirit of our hearts. We must start being “HEART WISE”. Once we act solely from decisions that are based in the energy and wisdom of love, we will no longer need to cause any sort of hurt to ourselves or others.

When we think and respond to the events of our lives from our personal love center, there is no longer self criticism or condemnation of others. We begin to see there are no mistakes, only experience. We see everything simply “is”, not “right” or not “wrong”. We can observe ourselves and others without needless, useless heavy judgment.

This viewing everything and everyone, including ourselves, through the eyes of love, will bring amazing changes to our individual lives. That change would allow us to live up to the potential and power which we are. We would unleash our creativity. Each of us would be freed to express our personal life plan, to be totally and fully involved with the unfoldment of our own life.

More than that, this loving, allowing energy has the amazing potential to bring previously unbelievable changes to our world. Can you even begin to imagine the peace that would pervade every sector of our society? What would be the result if loving thoughts, words and actions were all?

Through my ongoing work with individual clients, I have the privilege of seeing beautiful changes in their lives. I would like to help you with any challenges or questions you have. All you need do is telephone me, Reverend Lois in Bella Vista, Arkansas. We will set a time for your personal, private reading.

All readings are strictly confidential. The counseling sessions are either in my home or by telephone. In either case, you will have a cassette recording of your reading to take with you. Call for your appointment, Reverend Lois, (479) 657-6491. I look forward to meeting with you.


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