Friday, February 15, 2008

I AM _ _ _??

What energy are you sending out today? What are you telling yourself, or others, about yourself?

Are you telling your world “I am strong” or “I am weak”? Are you saying “I am certain” or “I am confused”?

Do you chastise and degrade yourself with words like “stupid,” “foolish” or “why would I do something that silly”? Or are you praising your actions; "well done," "that was good," I am proud of the result."?

Whatever words you are telling yourself, those words are either true right now, this minute, or they soon will be. The reason is simply because you are declaring it! You have set your creativity into motion. You have that much power at your command!

Choose wisely when you speak or think “I am _ _ _”. Your words and thoughts are important and matter more than you may think. Your faithful subconscious is always listening, always believing anything and everything that you say. Your subconscious is your obedient servant and will begin at once to make your words true.

If you seek more abundance in your life, cease all talk about indebtedness. Speak instead of opportunities. Be openly happy when others succeed. Praise their accomplishments. Acknowledge your own success as well. Wish abundance for everyone and yours will soon make its appearance.

If you desire greater health, stop complaining about any aches or pains. Talk instead of how much enjoyment you gain from your new exercise regimen. Tell yourself and others that you feel better every day. “I enjoy life. I feel great.” Keep at those words until they are true!

Speak and think only the words that represent what you truly wish to manifest in your life. Use your strong emotion to amplify your desires. See and feel the reality of your wishes from the very depths of your soul.

Think only the highest and best, and the highest and best people, places and situations will be drawn to you with the strength of a powerful magnet. Always remember that you are creating your life experience, one word, one thought and one feeling at a time.

Your are in charge of your own powerful energy. At any moment that you choose, you are capable of dynamic, positive change. Decide today to be in control of your thoughts and words.

Build the life that you deserve. Be definite about what you wish. Today and every day, declare your life to be the very best, not only for your good, but for the good of all those who are directly concerned or affected by your life path.“I am healthy, energetic and happy. I am loved and loving. I am prosperous and generous.”

From my heart to yours: May today and every day find you blessing others and being blessed by others. May your life be a blessing to all. I wish for each one of you the spirit-filled, uplifted life that I wish for myself. If I can help you in any way, please call for a private spirit directed psychic reading. I am Reverend Lois, Bella Vista, Arkansas, (479) 657-6491.


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