Saturday, February 2, 2008


You and I create the tone and fabric of our lives through a series of choices. Every day we choose actions which can range anywhere from the mundane and ordinary to the life changing.

Some of these choices are conscious and obvious. We decide whether or where to eat breakfast. We look at the time to decide if we should call our office. Perhaps we elect to cancel a date with someone who is not as close or friendly as he or she used to be. We ignore our usual bedtime to watch a late night movie.

From time to time our choices are far from ordinary. They are much more transformational, life changing. Looking at our current situation, perhaps we realize our career path has wandered down a dead end road. We quit the current job, go back to school and plot an entirely new course.

Some of us may reevaluate our current relationship. We note that the reason we came together, the love we had for each other, is no longer enough. We have grown in completely different directions. We decide to part.

Some of our choices are made by default. When we refuse to make a decision, that too is a choice. Refusing to act on a problem or challenge is sometimes more harmful to our life progress than taking some action. Remember, in all but “life or death” situations, a correction can be made later, a new path cut. Often it is better to move forward on some path, than to stay stuck or mired by fear in the middle of the road.

Unfortunately, many of our choices are unconscious or at least based in part on habit that we don’t acknowledge. Those may be based on something we still believe from childhood. “I am sickly, so I won’t try anything that athletic.”…. “Nice people don’t do that.”….”Mother always said I had no mechanical ability, why should I try.” We may not actually make statements of that kind to ourselves but many times our subconscious is still being led by those lingering beliefs from the past. With the guidance of our subconscious, we continue to make choices that may not be in our best interest today.

Other semi-unconscious choices are mental and emotional ones. We allow ourselves mentally to go over and over past mistakes. We put problems of the past or the present in high gear instead of focusing on solutions. Those fears and worries become so repetitive that they lodge in our emotional center. We create a pervasive stomach ache!

The choices and decisions you make today will determine your future. Your future can be nearly the same as your past. It can hold no surprises but simply be a thinly veiled repetition of what you have known previously. Unless you consciously decide to make new choices, your relationships with friends, family or business associates will mirror the same kinds of challenges from the past. Your abundance, your capacity for happiness, will be only as great as what you have already experienced.

All of this is fine, if that is what you want. If you are satisfied with the way things are today, then you are one of the fortunate few. However, if you desire a future with better experiences, deeper relationships, more abundance, greater happiness, then decide today to change your choices.

It really is that simple. Catch you thoughts when they pull you down. Do not allow yourself to rehash yesterday or last year. Change your thinking and you will change the outcomes. Know there are better ways. Acknowledge your own talents and abilities. Choose what you personally desire, not what others would have you seek. Let go of yesterday and be fully grounded in the now.

I challenge you to step boldly out of all worry and fear. In taking that action, that one step, you will find solutions to any situation rush to you. You will mold a dynamic future for yourself. Make the choices that build your life path. Proceed to fill your life with sunshine!

I want to help you with any of your life concerns. By accessing your personal guides and angels, I am able to give you any guidance you might desire. If your concerns are with loved ones who have passed, I will bring you answers from them. If you need to know the results from pursuing certain projects, I will show you the possibilities and alternative approaches.

Readings are available in person, on the telephone, or through the internet. I provide a cassette recording of your reading. For your private consultation appointment, call me, Reverend Lois at (479) 657-6491, Bella Vista, Arkansas.


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