All of us would prefer the energizing gift of health. Fully enjoying life seems to depend in large part upon being physically well. Why is it that at times it seems difficult to maintain our health? Why shouldn’t we always be at our peak of good physical condition? Do we need to be at the mercy of the next contagion or virus that is headed our way? Does some personal misery actually require a backache?
It is fairly commonly accepted these days that our physical bodies do not manifest ill health or disease by themselves. The origins of our discomforts can usually be traced more or less directly to our continual thoughts and emotions. Dark thoughts, such as resentment, disappointment, regret, condemnation are reflected in a painful unhappy body.
It would seem that to be physically healthy, we need to begin to exercise control over our own thoughts and feelings. Perhaps some of you have read the work of Dr. Emile Coue'. He practiced in France in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. He experienced phenomenal success with those patients of his who after many months of therapy seemed incurable. His technique was particularly remarkable because of its simplicity.
Dr. Coue’s “medicine” was this: Each patient was asked to repeat a particular phrase whenever pain or discomfort arose---“Every day in every way, I am better and better.” Whenever possible, he suggested that the words should be said out loud and looking into a mirror. Optimally, this was to be practiced at least twice each day.
The so called “miracle” cures that occurred as a result of that simple phrase repetition were not miracles at all. Each of us has the ability to command truly remarkable control over our physical bodies. The extent of this control and its possibilities cannot be overstated.
My late husband, James Harry Cheney, was a trained healer. He was especially amazing in his ability to remove burns. We were at a Phoenix gas station one morning where a young mechanic was working on a car. Apparently, the car had just been driven into the service bay. The mechanic removed the radiator cap and was instantly covered with boiling hot liquid. My husband rushed over and began moving his hands over the boy’s auric field although never touching his physical skin. It was only a matter of minutes until all the redness of skin and the accompanying pain were gone.
The reason that I am recounting these events is to reveal to you the apparent cause of what some would term an accident. Earlier that morning, the young man and his girl friend had suffered a loud and hurtful argument. He felt he was to blame. This “accident” appeared to be his unconscious way of punishing himself. He certainly would have succeeded with his self destructive action if my husband had not been on the scene. Again, thoughts and emotions can easily affect our actions and the condition of our bodies.
For your body’s sake, if you feel hurt, forgive! If you feel angry, let it go! Make all your communications gentle and loving, even if you would rather lash out. Remember this: You cannot hurt or “get even” with another person by taking poisoned thoughts into your own body temple. Allow others to be who they are. Do remember to love and respect yourself. Your are unique, special and valuable.
When you feel that you could benefit from a spirit-guided psychic reading, call me in Bella Vista Arkansas. Let me set a private counseling appointment for you. I will tape record the session and give you the cassette. My clients find that if they will review the channeled information later, it becomes even more valuable. Telephone Reverend Lois (479)657-6491
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