Sunday, December 30, 2007


The new year is almost here. It is time to start “The Diet”. It is not the no fat, no sugar diet, or the I-only-eat-grapefruit diet or any of dozens of other deprive-the-body diets for the purpose of loosing weight. No, this diet is designed to bring freedom to the mind, joy to the heart and a lightness to the spirit.

The only things you are asked to avoid for 14 days are these: television, newspapers, radio, dvd’s, computer newscasts. Why? Simple. When any of us are plopped in front of the TV or computer, we are relaxed and receptive. What are we receiving? All the bad news there is. We “enjoy” tales of murder, robbery, mayhem. Often we are let into the private life of candidates only to learn they smoked something other than cigarettes or enjoyed the company of folks we would rather not know. We are told where the war and torture are happening today.

What good does this media frenzy do us? We are told how to feel, what disease we have and what pill to take to feel better. None of this leaves us upbeat and smiling. Even if we rent a video for one night’s amusement we can become part of a violent or salacious plot. If we are really involved with the pictures sound, and story, we absorb harsh ideas about life in general while our hearts race. None of this leads us to peaceful actions.

So what can we do instead of all the programmed entertainment? That is the best part! We can find and do all of the things we have been ignoring. Why not write that long overdue letter to a friend? Enjoy a hike. Arkansas is full of some of the most beautiful trails, lakes and waterfalls. How many self help books have you meant to read and left on the shelf? Would you enjoy an evening of bowling with a friend? Take a class in a foreign language. Learn to paint. Volunteer. The list goes on and on. Who knows? Two weeks of dieting might even prove too short!

I wish all of you the best of 2008. May this year bring health, love, the ultimate in happiness and abundance to each of you. You can reach me, Reverend Lois, in Bella Vista, Arkansas, at (479) 657-6491.


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