Sunday, March 23, 2008


A dear friend of mine used to say if you wanted a healing, spring was the time to “grab on and hold tight.” In other words, no matter what your challenge with any aspect of health, when the buds are blooming and the robins are back, it is your time to get well.

So here I am on this Easter morning, asking you to claim your personal power to heal any situation in your life. We all have healing desires for ourselves. Some of us have physical, emotional or mental concerns. Others, perhaps too many of us, are worried with financial burdens.

Know that you can change any burdensome thing in your life right now. At this very special season of the year, it is easy to focus on new life and new beginnings. All it takes to create bountiful change is your desire and commitment to adjust your thinking. Bring your thoughts over to the positive side and be consistent.

When we allow ourselves to see only pain, unhappiness, and lack, we dynamically increase pain, unhappiness and lack. It is inevitable. The good news is any “downside” thought habit can be changed in 21 days or less. It is truly worth the effort involved to turn one’s life around by turning one’s thinking in a better direction.

Think peace, beauty, new ever expanding life, and I promise you that those happy states will become the truth of your experience. See the perfection in nature. See how Mother Nature is always working to repair her creation and to set the world right. Believe that you can do the same. You were born to heal!

Every fiber of your being wants to heal. Your body is a healing mechanism. That is the way you were made. There is no illness that is incurable if you allow the cure to begin in your mind.

Begin now to amplify your wholeness with your every thought. Access your imagination to feel the glow of your own perfect health. Reach deep into your heart, feel your gratitude, express your thankfulness, for the incredible creation that is the unique, valuable you. Appreciate the gift of your life!

Know too, that you have your personal angels to call upon at any time. Those angels are eager to help you with any challenge but are always waiting for you to ask.

If your dilemma is a financial one, if debt is overshadowing your joy, begin at once to ask for creative ideas. Be sure that you are open to ideas that jump out from a newspaper or wonderful dream messages that stir your intuition. Sometimes a casual word from a friend or stranger can open your thinking to marvelously inventive new possibilities. And when inspiration is at hand, act! Take the action that is suggested and results will follow.

Help is always available to you from your guides and teachers in spirit. The key word is always “ask”. You will not know how much help those spirits can be, until you enlist their aid. Miracles can and do happen. Be limitless in your expectations. You will find a freedom in your life you may never have known before.

My training as a psychic medium and spiritual healing channel has made me acutely aware of how many times we unwittingly short circuit our own good. But that training has also shown me how simple changes can turn a life around. Just a view shifts in direction, some gentle adjustment to thought, create surprisingly positive outcomes.

If I can be of help to you in any life situation, I am here in Bella Vista, Arkansas. Let me set a private reading appointment for you. We can meet at my home or by telephone. You will receive a cassette recording of your confidential reading. I am Reverend Lois, (479)657-6491.


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