Friday, February 5, 2010


Let me be straight forward about this subject: I believe in dreams, I believe in dream interpretation, I am enormously thankful for my dreams, but sometimes…

Lately I have had numerous requests to teach my dream workshop in various locations, various cities. Because I want to do my very best for these presentations my mind has been focused on continually improving what I offer.

The result of that intention to be at the “top of my game” manifested many, many restless nights when I felt it necessary to wake up and record yet another dream…just in case!

Those of you who have kept a dream journal for any length of time know how I felt. Dream work becomes a bit of a compulsion if you allow it. That is why I always tell my students that following their dreams needs to be a joy not a job.

With all that dreaming and writing, many are the mornings I would start my day feeling as if I had been trenching through a war zone. I finally decided I needed better continuous sleep. After all I did have my counseling and other matters requiring my attention.

I found a solution! I simply had a serious talk with my dream-maker. “If you only wake me when a dream involves new ways of service, one that uses me and my own storehouse of unconditional love and light, I promise to write down all the details.”

Thank goodness that worked. I had to repeat that talk a couple of nights in a row just to make the impression, indicate my seriousness, but yes it worked. “Wake up, wake up” dreams kept coming but not by the bushel basketful.

Perhaps I just needed to convince myself that my workshops did not have to be “perfect”. No, I haven’t stopped dreaming, but I do get a lot more sleep. Bless my subconscious mind! It does take direction well. Plus it never sleeps because “she” never needs it!

I am wishing all of you the happiest and most productive of dreams even if some of them come to you as nightmares just to get your attention.

If I may help you with dream interpretation or any Spirit channeled information, call today for your private appointment. I am always happy to help you with a reading or a complete chakra clearing utilizing sound, color and crystals.

Reverend Lois Cheney, E-mail: or Telephone: (941)961-2783.
For information:

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