Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Not so long ago, those people who took unusual actions in creating their life path and followed “the road less traveled by” were thought to be exceedingly odd or perhaps even unbalanced. Those who dared to rely on their inner guidance rather than follow the norm that was dictated by society were branded “peculiar” or “ill advised” or perhaps simply “crazy”.

For instance, in the past it was believed that it was of the utmost importance to hear and pay strict attention to the media news. We had to stay completely informed of world and local events, absorbing these happenings on every level of our being. We needed to act in accordance with that information! Unfortunately, all that news, whether true to the facts or exaggerated, led more to fear than to our individual progress or happiness. We became more rigid and less flexible.

We began believing and personally accepting all the harsh things we read: "More than half of marriages end in divorce." Obviously we should never marry! "It is the worst time to start a business. The economy is terrible and getting worse." Certainly, we shouldn't use our innovative idea for a new business! This must be the worst time ever. We are doomed to failure.

Fortunately, the world is changing! We need not accept the majority opinion. Not every published idea in the news needs to be true for us. It is more widely understood that meditation, reflection, and introspection can bring positive ideas and substantive action! Go ahead and listen to conventional wisdom, but then take a chance, branch out into the unknown or untried. Many times that can be your best course.

The pursuit of personal intuition and its own highest level, psychic attunement, is reaching greater acceptance. It is being discovered by a larger portion of the population that reaching inward for answers can signal the start of a satisfying and exciting journey.

People are beginning to discover that many of the rigid ideas, those patterns of conforming, that were guideposts for human behavior for many years, may need stringent adjustment or need to be abandoned all together.

Why is this happening now? I believe that we are awakening to the fact that individually we are much stronger and more powerful than was originally thought. We are just beginning to understand that we are capable of changing the complexion of life here on earth. Further, by claiming our power, we also are accepting responsibility for our own creations.

Those of us who follow a daily habit of meditation, in whatever form, find more peace. When meditation is practiced for only a few minutes each day, it brings us into greater alignment with our goals and desires. Many report leaving illnesses and other disabilities behind. Joy and love flow more freely through our lives.

Whether you are looking for spiritual development or simply help with daily challenges, meditation can bring helpful insight. Getting to know yourself at a deeper level, adjusting your focus, will bring enlightenment in so many areas. Who of us does not want an easier or smoother way to access our dreams?

Total seclusion is neither desirable nor necessary. Simply give yourself the gift of your own special quiet time. Try to use the same part of the day or evening each time when you can be sure of privacy. Begin to set aside some time, if only a few minutes, to devote to accessing your desires and imagination.

Through meditation you can find more innovation than you may have thought possible. More often than not, solutions simply appear! You may be surprised to find how special and capable you really are. Certainly you will access previously buried talents and abilities.

Through your personal efforts you will not only change your life and your world experiences, you will be an ever increasing positive influence on the world at large. Start today. Dream, imagine, meditate. Let your true value shine!

My personal joy is found in helping others by sharing my talent. If I may be of help to you in accessing needed information for your life path, please call. I am Reverend Lois, Bella Vista, Arkansas, (479) 657-6491. I always provide a cassette recording for you to keep and review at any time. Be assured that your appointment and your information will always be kept private.

Monday, February 18, 2008

You Are MORE!

You are so much more than you believe. You are more than you have been told.

You came to this earth plane with a divine destination. You were born with all the talent and ability necessary to lead your perfect life. You are in control of an open portal through which you can step at any time to find yourself living the dream of your incarnation. It is truly all up to you.

What should you do? Begin by believing that you can lead your ideal life. Believe that you can achieve everything that you came here to do. Do not cheat yourself by allowing your dreams to wither and die. Your unique abilities are important. This earth needs your individual light. Shine brightly. Know that your desires and achievements are important.

Each one of you has a divine spark within. It waits for your attention. That spark wants to become a courageous flame. Listen to the voice of your divinity. Feel its ardor, its passion. Your divinity wants to lead you to the achievement and success to which you were born. By being your very best you, you will inspire others to believe in themselves.

Through the years, as children and again as adults, we have all heard the opposite of course. We have heard from family, friends, teachers and others that we were wrong. Perhaps we were told we would not amount to much. Maybe we even believed some of those words.

Now is the time to forget all of the negatives. Let them go into the scrap pile of yesterday. After all “mistakes” are just learning opportunities.

Know with complete resolve and total faith, you are valuable. You are talented. Your unique abilities and contributions to this life are extremely important. Develop the gifts you have.

Shine the light that is your life as brightly as you can dream or imagine. Do those things that feel right in your heart. Those heartfelt actions alone will make you happy. Then we will all benefit from the energy of your accomplishments and your joy.

If you would like my help to access your own inner guides and teachers, give me a call. I am Reverend Lois at Bella Vista, Arkansas. (479) 657-6491. Your reading appointment will be kept completely private whether in my home or by telephone. Ask any questions that you have. You will have a cassette recording of your reading to refer to and review at a later time.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I AM _ _ _??

What energy are you sending out today? What are you telling yourself, or others, about yourself?

Are you telling your world “I am strong” or “I am weak”? Are you saying “I am certain” or “I am confused”?

Do you chastise and degrade yourself with words like “stupid,” “foolish” or “why would I do something that silly”? Or are you praising your actions; "well done," "that was good," I am proud of the result."?

Whatever words you are telling yourself, those words are either true right now, this minute, or they soon will be. The reason is simply because you are declaring it! You have set your creativity into motion. You have that much power at your command!

Choose wisely when you speak or think “I am _ _ _”. Your words and thoughts are important and matter more than you may think. Your faithful subconscious is always listening, always believing anything and everything that you say. Your subconscious is your obedient servant and will begin at once to make your words true.

If you seek more abundance in your life, cease all talk about indebtedness. Speak instead of opportunities. Be openly happy when others succeed. Praise their accomplishments. Acknowledge your own success as well. Wish abundance for everyone and yours will soon make its appearance.

If you desire greater health, stop complaining about any aches or pains. Talk instead of how much enjoyment you gain from your new exercise regimen. Tell yourself and others that you feel better every day. “I enjoy life. I feel great.” Keep at those words until they are true!

Speak and think only the words that represent what you truly wish to manifest in your life. Use your strong emotion to amplify your desires. See and feel the reality of your wishes from the very depths of your soul.

Think only the highest and best, and the highest and best people, places and situations will be drawn to you with the strength of a powerful magnet. Always remember that you are creating your life experience, one word, one thought and one feeling at a time.

Your are in charge of your own powerful energy. At any moment that you choose, you are capable of dynamic, positive change. Decide today to be in control of your thoughts and words.

Build the life that you deserve. Be definite about what you wish. Today and every day, declare your life to be the very best, not only for your good, but for the good of all those who are directly concerned or affected by your life path.“I am healthy, energetic and happy. I am loved and loving. I am prosperous and generous.”

From my heart to yours: May today and every day find you blessing others and being blessed by others. May your life be a blessing to all. I wish for each one of you the spirit-filled, uplifted life that I wish for myself. If I can help you in any way, please call for a private spirit directed psychic reading. I am Reverend Lois, Bella Vista, Arkansas, (479) 657-6491.

Friday, February 8, 2008


How I love and revere the invisible kingdoms! It is wonderful to think that those helpers we do not see, are available and willing to work not only with us, but with our plants, animals, water and the very earth herself.

Have you ever looked for a few minutes at a large old tree that has stood for as long as 100 years or so? If you have, you may have been lucky enough to catch just a glimpse of a faint haze surrounding its upper most branches. Perhaps you even heard a faint swishing sound emanating from the leaves. Or maybe you were intent enough in your observation to sense a warm or cool breeze coming from the tree, or just a wave-like movement of energy circulating in and through the tree.

If you have enjoyed any similar observation of the seemingly invisible realm as described in the paragraph above, you have been in the presence of some of the divine keepers of the plant kingdom, sometimes called nature divas. In fact what you have seen, felt or heard are those amazing and talented spirits whose energies are devoted to the health of earth’s trees, flowers and other plants.

I am certain it will create some much needed cleansing of our polluted waterways, if we will take the time to invoke the energy of the water sprites. Those sprites are the strong and highly capable entities assigned the special task of overseeing the lakes, streams, rivers and oceans. With their help and advice, coupled with our own personal action and commitment, it is possible that we could save many of those much needed water sources that would otherwise be lost to all of us.

Are fairies real? If you have ever experienced any of those joyful, fluttering spirits when walking outdoors or even while you were enjoying the company of enthusiastic young people, you would have to say fairies are among us! They seem to be attracted by children and the young at heart. Often they can be found in any lovely flower garden. It would seem they are drawn by love's expression, whether it is flowers or childlike innocence.

As I counsel with clients, I have heard countless stories of angel encounters. One of my students tells me of a time when he received information and a much needed warning from a passerby on the street. He felt that encounter was so important as to help him act to save his daughter’s life. Perhaps that does seem quite unusual in itself, but it is even more so when you know that once the words were spoken the “speaker” completely vanished.

I believe that when the need is strong enough or urgent enough, at that particular moment angels can acquire the human appearance. They are able to clothe themselves in ordinary attire. This seems an important capability because we have a tendency to earnestly listen to advice, or at least consider it, from a human appearing soul when we might ignore a gentle, but mysterious, whisper from the invisible.

You can be assured that whatever your challenge, all you need do is ask for help from your personal angels. They are always ready to assist with advice. They can send you suggestions in signs or symbols. They can paint intuitive dreams for you. They can visit you in the night with a heavenly appearing glow and color while whispering words of wisdom and encouragement.

The only angelic rule or requirement is that you must ask! Your angels are always “on call”. It sometimes seems to me that our angels are perfectly capable of moving mountains “as needed”.

My experience has been that if I will ask my angels to work out a solution for a friend or family member, they can speak to that person’s own angels. Angel to angel, miracles manifest. Positive changes seem to come out of thin air. All of that as a result of an invisible, high level “phone call” if you will! Every one of us has access to the powerful help of our angels. We should never be hesitant or afraid to ask.

It is of no importance how large or how small your request of your angels. If the solution is important to you, it is important enough to ask for help. Your angels are always with you. Your angels are just waiting for your request. Speak up!

I wish for you a blessed angel filled day, today and always. Please telephone me if I can be of help to you. My answer machine is always on and I will call you back. For your private counseling appointment in person, by phone, or by e-mail: Reverend Lois, (479) 657-6491.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Do you have a desire or goal that you have held for endless days, months or even years? Does it seem to elude you even though you have programmed and envisioned it? You have seen the beautiful end result in your mind, but still nothing seems to happen. Perhaps you have prayed for that change but there is no discernable movement.

It is not important what it is that you want. It might be a better job, a new love interest, increased health, reconnecting with family. What is important is that nothing seems to be happening. You know exactly what you want, but you are not seeing it appear in your life. What is the answer? How can you make the changes you desire?

There can be numerous reasons which keep you from the manifestation of your personal dream or goal. The timing might be at odds with the universe, making the result inappropriate now. Or, acting on that desire might hurt someone who is directly concerned with the results. The list of reasons for failing to create the desire goes on and on. What I want to suggest however is something you may not have considered.

To bring about significant change, you always need to be sufficiently motivated. In other words, your dream needs to be big enough to capture your heart and imagination. It needs to be dynamic enough to bring forth your own extraordinary inspiration and effort. When you are only wishing for a change, it is just too lukewarm to create.

Too often, people tend to go after just what they think will help them “get by”. They take aim at "surviving" not "thriving". They are settling not for what they actually want but what they think they can have. To create, a person needs to desire real success, exciting improvement. It is not unusual for some people to try to bring about a situation or change that is only what their friends or family have indicated would be “right” for them. That too is usually nonproductive simply because there is no heartfelt urge or inner conviction driving the effort.

I remember when I was still in school, a friend of mine, Rawly, was a member of the Civil Air Patrol. He loved his work with the group and was learning to be a pilot. Still, he was not completely happy. He told me his problem was that he always set is goals too low! The result, he said, was that almost daily, he had to come up with a new set of goals. Perhaps he needed to dream bigger!

If you study the history of those people who have succeeded with great flair, those who have made important contributions to our nation and our world, you will see people of truly large dreams. You will see people who went beyond the bounds of what was known and created something new. In many cases, their success seemed to have little to do with their formal education, wealth, or age. Case in point is Kentucky Colonel Sanders making a fortune in fried chicken in his 80’s.

It is not necessary for you to desire some kind of national or international fame to be a tremendous success with your own life. Although that fame is certainly possible. All that is actually required is that you believe in your possibilities and dream your own big dream.

Look at your wants and desires. Are all of them your very own or do they still carry the imprint the ideas of others --- a mother, father, friend, business associate? Keep your dream uniquely yours. A big personal dream has momentum. It pushes forward with a larger load of possibilities. There is no vacillating with a big dream. It shoots for the sky, the ultimate. A big dream inspires us to dig deep and pull out all sorts of innovative ideas and hidden talents.

When you dare to dream big, big results are guaranteed. Do not let yourself fall in to mediocrity. Know in your heart that you can and you will realize your important dream. You are special, valuable and unique. You came to this earth to shine, to be all that you can be. I believe that your individuality is of great importance. I want you to succeed.

If I can help you with a private counseling session, please call me for an appointment. Sometimes it is only a bit of a turn to the right or the left that can put you on the path to your highest inspiration and goal. There is no question too difficult or no subject off limits. I want you to live your life fully.

Arrangements can be made for psychic, intuitive, trance counseling by phone, e-mail or in- person in my home. I am Reverend Lois, (479) 657-6491, Bella Vista, Arkansas.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


You and I create the tone and fabric of our lives through a series of choices. Every day we choose actions which can range anywhere from the mundane and ordinary to the life changing.

Some of these choices are conscious and obvious. We decide whether or where to eat breakfast. We look at the time to decide if we should call our office. Perhaps we elect to cancel a date with someone who is not as close or friendly as he or she used to be. We ignore our usual bedtime to watch a late night movie.

From time to time our choices are far from ordinary. They are much more transformational, life changing. Looking at our current situation, perhaps we realize our career path has wandered down a dead end road. We quit the current job, go back to school and plot an entirely new course.

Some of us may reevaluate our current relationship. We note that the reason we came together, the love we had for each other, is no longer enough. We have grown in completely different directions. We decide to part.

Some of our choices are made by default. When we refuse to make a decision, that too is a choice. Refusing to act on a problem or challenge is sometimes more harmful to our life progress than taking some action. Remember, in all but “life or death” situations, a correction can be made later, a new path cut. Often it is better to move forward on some path, than to stay stuck or mired by fear in the middle of the road.

Unfortunately, many of our choices are unconscious or at least based in part on habit that we don’t acknowledge. Those may be based on something we still believe from childhood. “I am sickly, so I won’t try anything that athletic.”…. “Nice people don’t do that.”….”Mother always said I had no mechanical ability, why should I try.” We may not actually make statements of that kind to ourselves but many times our subconscious is still being led by those lingering beliefs from the past. With the guidance of our subconscious, we continue to make choices that may not be in our best interest today.

Other semi-unconscious choices are mental and emotional ones. We allow ourselves mentally to go over and over past mistakes. We put problems of the past or the present in high gear instead of focusing on solutions. Those fears and worries become so repetitive that they lodge in our emotional center. We create a pervasive stomach ache!

The choices and decisions you make today will determine your future. Your future can be nearly the same as your past. It can hold no surprises but simply be a thinly veiled repetition of what you have known previously. Unless you consciously decide to make new choices, your relationships with friends, family or business associates will mirror the same kinds of challenges from the past. Your abundance, your capacity for happiness, will be only as great as what you have already experienced.

All of this is fine, if that is what you want. If you are satisfied with the way things are today, then you are one of the fortunate few. However, if you desire a future with better experiences, deeper relationships, more abundance, greater happiness, then decide today to change your choices.

It really is that simple. Catch you thoughts when they pull you down. Do not allow yourself to rehash yesterday or last year. Change your thinking and you will change the outcomes. Know there are better ways. Acknowledge your own talents and abilities. Choose what you personally desire, not what others would have you seek. Let go of yesterday and be fully grounded in the now.

I challenge you to step boldly out of all worry and fear. In taking that action, that one step, you will find solutions to any situation rush to you. You will mold a dynamic future for yourself. Make the choices that build your life path. Proceed to fill your life with sunshine!

I want to help you with any of your life concerns. By accessing your personal guides and angels, I am able to give you any guidance you might desire. If your concerns are with loved ones who have passed, I will bring you answers from them. If you need to know the results from pursuing certain projects, I will show you the possibilities and alternative approaches.

Readings are available in person, on the telephone, or through the internet. I provide a cassette recording of your reading. For your private consultation appointment, call me, Reverend Lois at (479) 657-6491, Bella Vista, Arkansas.