Not so long ago, those people who took unusual actions in creating their life path and followed “the road less traveled by” were thought to be exceedingly odd or perhaps even unbalanced. Those who dared to rely on their inner guidance rather than follow the norm that was dictated by society were branded “peculiar” or “ill advised” or perhaps simply “crazy”.
For instance, in the past it was believed that it was of the utmost importance to hear and pay strict attention to the media news. We had to stay completely informed of world and local events, absorbing these happenings on every level of our being. We needed to act in accordance with that information! Unfortunately, all that news, whether true to the facts or exaggerated, led more to fear than to our individual progress or happiness. We became more rigid and less flexible.
We began believing and personally accepting all the harsh things we read: "More than half of marriages end in divorce." Obviously we should never marry! "It is the worst time to start a business. The economy is terrible and getting worse." Certainly, we shouldn't use our innovative idea for a new business! This must be the worst time ever. We are doomed to failure.
Fortunately, the world is changing! We need not accept the majority opinion. Not every published idea in the news needs to be true for us. It is more widely understood that meditation, reflection, and introspection can bring positive ideas and substantive action! Go ahead and listen to conventional wisdom, but then take a chance, branch out into the unknown or untried. Many times that can be your best course.
The pursuit of personal intuition and its own highest level, psychic attunement, is reaching greater acceptance. It is being discovered by a larger portion of the population that reaching inward for answers can signal the start of a satisfying and exciting journey.
People are beginning to discover that many of the rigid ideas, those patterns of conforming, that were guideposts for human behavior for many years, may need stringent adjustment or need to be abandoned all together.
Why is this happening now? I believe that we are awakening to the fact that individually we are much stronger and more powerful than was originally thought. We are just beginning to understand that we are capable of changing the complexion of life here on earth. Further, by claiming our power, we also are accepting responsibility for our own creations.
Those of us who follow a daily habit of meditation, in whatever form, find more peace. When meditation is practiced for only a few minutes each day, it brings us into greater alignment with our goals and desires. Many report leaving illnesses and other disabilities behind. Joy and love flow more freely through our lives.
Whether you are looking for spiritual development or simply help with daily challenges, meditation can bring helpful insight. Getting to know yourself at a deeper level, adjusting your focus, will bring enlightenment in so many areas. Who of us does not want an easier or smoother way to access our dreams?
Total seclusion is neither desirable nor necessary. Simply give yourself the gift of your own special quiet time. Try to use the same part of the day or evening each time when you can be sure of privacy. Begin to set aside some time, if only a few minutes, to devote to accessing your desires and imagination.
Through meditation you can find more innovation than you may have thought possible. More often than not, solutions simply appear! You may be surprised to find how special and capable you really are. Certainly you will access previously buried talents and abilities.
Through your personal efforts you will not only change your life and your world experiences, you will be an ever increasing positive influence on the world at large. Start today. Dream, imagine, meditate. Let your true value shine!
My personal joy is found in helping others by sharing my talent. If I may be of help to you in accessing needed information for your life path, please call. I am Reverend Lois, Bella Vista, Arkansas, (479) 657-6491. I always provide a cassette recording for you to keep and review at any time. Be assured that your appointment and your information will always be kept private.