Thursday, November 6, 2008


Spirit is always trying to lead you. Your inner goals are continuingly illumined by Spirit. Unfortunately, that bright light that points the way can be dimmed by your old thoughts and fears.

Day to day your soul wants to protect you and speed you forward to greater accomplishment. The desires planted in your heart push for expression. Your angels watch and wait for your call.

With all of this assistance standing in readiness, why do we as humans often times seem to remain stuck in worn out but familiar ways?

Could it be that dynamic change is frightening to us? Is it possible that any deviation from what we have viewed as the norm is too unsettling to contemplate? Perhaps the unknown is simply too foreboding.

If any one of us would be willing with the guidance of Spirit to take the “road less traveled”, we might well open the way for our own enlightenment while widening the path for others.

Students ask me how much they should meditate in order to hear that quiet voice point the way. They ask if that inner work should occupy minutes, hours or days. My reply is that meditation is good, positive and elevating and I heartily recommend it. However,to spend all our time, or most of our time in meditation would be to ignore our day to day work with our fellow humans and the earth.

My personal experience has been that 15 minutes three times each day, a total of 45 minutes, is enough time in meditation to bring me the peace, calm and direction I require. Admittedly all of us are different. I just do not want to remove myself too much from the outward expression and accomplishment of my inner work!

I am sure there will be times when healing work for yourself or others will require you to step away and utilize more time. Each situation you encounter may call for a different approach.

We are needed in all our human physicality to help each other move forward. We are needed to express our love to the earth and all of its inhabitants through our actions. To accomplish that goal we need to practice our moment to moment awareness of what is happening around us.

As you become more skilled to intuit and assess situations, your questions more often will be addressed by Spirit in your awake and alert state as opposed to answers coming only from deep meditation.

Learning to be more adept at accessing Spirit’s Truth you will find yourself with appropriate answers as you wait in line at the checkout counter of the supermarket or planting flowers in the backyard! Living in and understanding the NOW moment is the way it should be.

Knowledge in partnership with the wisdom to use it can arrive in intriguing ways. A book title may catch your eye and lead you to a totally unexpected direction or into a new solution. A stranger may ask a question that ignites a potent idea within you.
Being completely alive to each moment will bring you amazing help in the form of hints, quiet or occasionally, hints that are quite loud and insistent!

Your personal questions are important. A private psychic reading can be of great benefit. I would like to help you with your life challenges. The desires of your heart and soul are important to me. Call for your trance reading today. All sessions are completely confidential. I provide you with a cassette recording of your reading for your review at a later time.

Call Reverend Lois (941) 961-2783 to schedule your time for a phone or in person reading in my studio.



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