Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Have you considered the range of colors present in your personal chakras? Certainly you are shining in every color of the rainbow. Those powerful energy vortices funnel into you the necessary life giving power of the one Great Source. They are the mechanism that allows you to exist as a Spirit living in a physical body.

Your chakras as a group contain all the colors of the rainbow in many varying shades while each individual vortex may be vibrating with only one color. Your overall aura or etheric body with its ever changing hues can contain myriad colors as well.

Chakra centers channel energy to you from the front, back and through your body. They bring in pure energy and are centers of consciousness. Are you aware that your chakras or these “wheels of light” as they are sometimes called, can store physical and soul memories even those of past or parallel lives? Consider the phrase “clearing karma”. Where might that karma be?

In my work with clearing and activating chakras I use three tools: crystals, tuning forks and color breathing. The crystal layout is for amplifying energy. The tuning forks are to achieve the desired vibration and speed of each vortex. Why color breathing? When a specific chakra is low in its appropriate color, it functions at a lesser level causing the adjoining chakras to be dampened or held back from their peak operating ability.

When all chakras are fully functional, clean and energized, there is an entrainment that happens between them resulting in a boost to your personal power.

A chakra that is clean and operating at optimum level is never muddy in color. The color should be light but luminous to reflect a healthy state. If I encounter a muddy appearance in any chakra while I am working with a client, I ask intuitively for the cause. If appropriate I can then offer some advice to them or adjust my work to correct the problem.

To enjoy a smooth physical and metaphysical/spiritual functioning, I ask my clients to use their imagination to breath colors into each chakra, one chakra at a time. I start with the base chakra and a clear red color, moving through the chain of chakras; using orange for the creative center, yellow for the emotions, green merging into pink for the heart and high heart, blue for communication, indigo for third eye, violet for the crown and finally white/gold/silver for the highest chakras which are above the physical body.

It has been my experience that even though I believe the colors to be correct, each person will vary those colors according to their own inner guide. In other words, if for you the sunshine yellow of your solar plexus or emotional chakra is more a pale lemon color, you should use that color. Whatever color or shade resonates with your intuitive understanding is the one you should employ.

It very well may be true that as we progress in our spiritual understanding or we move into higher levels of living and expressing, the colors we once used for our chakras may not be appropriate under the present circumstances. Going from 3rd or 4th dimensional living up to 5th is bound to cause some changes in our energy needs.

Additionally I have found that some of my clients who are spending a good percentage of their time working in the higher realms of Spirit may need to be reminded from time to time to care for the three so called “lower” chakras. Those three can become quite depleted.

As long as we are living from a physical vehicle we need to be balanced and grounded utilizing the energies of the first or base chakra. The creative or sexual chakra plays an important role in our physical life and deserves attention. It is also especially important to be able to rely on our yardstick of emotions as provided by our solar plexus or third chakra.

What other methods can we employ to keep our chakras full of color? I suggest that we give particular attention to the color of our clothing. That is we can intuitively select the colors of the clothing we wear on any particular day or evening to ramp up our aura or to better fill a particular chakra.

In other words if you feel less than grounded or your self esteem and confidence are flagging, you might choose a red shirt or sweater. Feeling unloved? Bring out the green or pink. Need to fully or forcefully express your thoughts? Try blue to aqua.

Another method of selecting appropriate “refill” colors might be to use a pendulum to dowse some colored cards to get a “hit” on the color that is needed. You could also use the pendulum by asking “is my base chakra red enough?” or “does it need more energy or speed?” You could continue to take an inventory of the basic chakras in that way asking yes or no questions.

One of my friends in Tucson always suggests that you can draw a rainbow with color crayons. The idea is that as you draw and you feel your mouth want to water or salivate that is the color you need today! You may be perfectly balanced in colors or you may find one or more than one color is needed.

Whatever way you use to care for your chakras be sure to give them the attention they deserve. You will feel much more capable in so many areas of your life just because you spend a little extra time on this physical and spiritual health exercise.

I would like to help you with any of your life challenges. I can counsel with you in my Sarasota Florida studio or over the telephone. All appointments are completely confidential. I provide a cassette recording of your session for your later review.

Schedule your appointment today. I am Reverend Lois Cheney, (941)961-2783 or E-Mail:


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