I have been taking inventory again! No, not an inventory of the clothes in my overstuffed closet or my packs of Doreen Virtue’s angel cards or my well stocked refrigerator and pantry of quick meals. The inventory involves something much more important.
I believe that in theory all of us would agree that a huge part of our job here on earth is to express the love that we are. We probably would also agree that in order to express that love we, as humans, need to be able to continually forgive the large and small “offenses” committed by ourselves and others. However, it seems that what we believe to be correct and what we do, what action we take, often times are quite different.
In our humanness it seems much easier to judge and keep score. So here is where my personal inventory comes to the surface. I had a dream last night where I was (for the umpteenth dream time) taking the wrong turn back home in Illinois where I was born. That irritating dream has been mine for too many years.
Suddenly I got it! I knew exactly what that repetitive dream was about. The challenge was what to do about a grudge I had been “enjoying” for years. I had to take action. We all know that those miserable thoughts can lodge in our physical bodies and cause all sorts of discomfort not to mention disease. In this case love and forgiveness were both called for but how???
When you or I ask our guides, high self or angels we always get an answer! I asked. I listened. All I needed to begin the process of releasing my hurt and anger was so simple. My main guide, Red Feather, pointed out what I already knew but had not implemented.
I did know how to approach the situation but I had ignored it way too long. So I began seeing the troublesome man, who was the center of my misery, as an innocent infant, the way he came into this world. I rescued an old photo I had saved showing him as a child of around two years of age. I realized that then, as now, he was just trying to take the actions that would make him feel warm, comfortable, cared for, and yes, important. It no longer mattered what I thought was the “right” thing. He did then and continues to do today exactly what seems to him to be the best, the most successful for him.
With this simple approach I finally had accessed my soul wisdom. I promised myself from this day forward whenever I thought of his past interactions with me I would let him be “young and seeking”. I know he is looking to love and be loved. Never again would I engage in blaming him for what he obviously believed was his own right action.
My heart and body felt so much lighter. The long standing hurt was gone. Was this finally the end of all my judgments? I wish I could say so but I know the “grudge inventory” of my life will be an ongoing process for awhile. At least I admit to my imperfections and hopefully get some forgiveness momentum going from my heart for my negative and very earthly thoughts.
I remind you and myself that we need to continually forgive not only the other people and situations we encounter but we need to forgive ourselves.
We will keep making what we see as “mistakes” and need to see those seeming errors in judgment as the learning lessons which they are. Those mistakes can sometimes turn out to be our greatest blessings if we can acknowledge and use the gifts they offer us.
The joy of my life is helping others work through the challenges of their path. If I can be of service to you by answering troubling questions or revealing some avenues of discovery, please call or write for your personal ,completely confidential, counseling session.
I am Reverend Lois Cheney, Metaphysical/Spiritualist Minister.
E-Mail: or Telephone (941)961-2783
Labels: FORGIVENESS, HEART, Life Path Counselor, LOVE, Sarasota Psychic, Soul Group
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