I know that nothing in this world is “incurable”. I know that everything in this world can be changed for the better! Through faith-filled intention all situations can be adjusted and moved into their highest and best outcomes.
I have read the book the Master Key System quite a number of times. In fact I have even listened to it on CD’s. Isn’t it funny how you believe you have absorbed everything contained in a particular writing and then one day something apparently “new” grabs you attention?
In his book the Master Key System, originally published in 1912, author Charles Haanel offers this affirmation: “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.” I cannot say how many times I have read or heard his words before, but this particular time it seemed to be so much more important for all of us.
You have to understand that in his own words at the age of 13 he was “a twisted, cripple going about on my hands and knees.” He credits the change from that pitiful state to a strong healthy man with his continual use and belief in that one affirmation.
He said it all day long. He said it before sleeping, upon waking and in the middle of the night. One step at a time he simply convinced himself of the words until he was completely well. “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.”
Not all of us are suffering from some life threatening physical disability. However, if you really hear and feel those words you will understand the many positive results that are possible through their use. “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.”
When you are truly WHOLE you are using not just your intellect but your wonderful emotional yardstick to guide and direct your physical actions and direction. You are listening to your emotions and their intuitive guidance to tell you what is good for you and what is not.
In fact when you are WHOLE, you have fully integrated your spirit within your physical body. You are operating as your spirit and your soul but using your healthy physical body as your vehicle.
Are you “PERFECT”? Of course you are! You were born with all the right talents, the perfect attributes, to learn, dream, design and manifest your personal contributions to this earth. How much more perfect could you be?
Are you STRONG? Absolutely! You have at your disposal all the magnificent energy and strength of the cosmos. How much more strength could you possibly use? Call out for what you need and it is there. You have incredible strength for your use day and night. Part of that strength reveals itself as your faith filled belief in your own abilities.
POWERFUL? Certainly, for through right use of your thoughts and emotions you can make sweeping changes in your experience. You are a power filled manifestor, a marvelous creator! Not only do you have the ability to heal yourself but you can help others to access their own healing. That is astounding miracle working power.
LOVING? You were formed from love. It is your true nature. You have the use of love’s thoughtful and giving nature each day. Give more of it to yourself. Give it to others and you will find it coming back to you in even greater amounts. You are born to express your love, acknowledge it, offer it as your transforming gift to the earth and all her people.
HARMONIOUS? Your harmony pours forth as you allow and accept your world as it is now. It may not be easy but when you are able to access your ability to allow others to be as they are with all their pluses and minuses, you have created harmony.
Accept others and yourself with all your positives and negatives. Each one of you has at your core the spark of the Divine. Thank goodness that those sometimes startling opposites compose the personality and many times reveal one’s true life purpose.
Are you HAPPY? I certainly hope that you are not only happy but joyous. You have bushel basketfuls of possibilities that offer themselves to you every single day. Nothing is beyond your reach or imagination. Embrace choice! It is there for you.
Your ability to create your own idea of perfection should make you jump with joy and anticipation. What a wonderful opportunity to stretch your abilities and talents, expressing yourself to the maximum.
Charles Haanel suggests you not only use this strong affirmation for yourself but send it in energy to anyone who might benefit from it. I say be generous with it and your love.
It seems to me that just repeating that affirmation makes you more aware of the beauty and flow in your own life experience. As you put your faith in yourself and your abilities you begin to see the promise in all life.
Somehow the flowers smell sweeter, the birds are more musical and you sense the possibilities in all your brothers and sisters. It is a wonderful life.
I encourage you to live it to the fullest. Why? Because YOU ARE WHOLE, PERFECT, STRONG, POWERFUL, LOVING, HARMONIOUS AND HAPPY!
There is just one word I would add to all of those positive words: GENEROUS. Always be generous with yourself and others. Be generous with your light filled positive words and thoughts, your kindness, your time and your love. Life is simply too short not to be.
Labels: Affirmations, Faith, INTUITION, LOVE, MANIFEST, Self Confidence
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