Peace, Be Still
Many of us believe in meditation as a practice for touching our own deeper spiritual realms. Some of us strive to use meditations to create balance between our inner and outer worlds. Quite simply, we look into the silence to find answers to our problems. Unfortunately, many encounter difficulty in reaching the silence. Why is that? Why can’t we control our busy minds?
When I teach workshops in psychic development, one of the students’ questions always centers on their personal meditation problems. As I talk with students, I sense that the more intense the desire to meditate, the less meditation is likely to happen. The reason is that feeling too great a need or desire to reach that place of wisdom and creation which we refer to as “the Void” simply brings the opposite of relaxation in the body. It brings the opposite of peace in the mind. The only thing created by so great a pressing desire is a state of extreme tension.
I have a practice for bringing a state of relaxation which has always been successful for me. It seems to help my students as well. Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. Seat yourself comfortably. Close your eyes. Now take as large an inhalation of air as you can and say “I am”; release all that air and say “at peace”. It is simple: “I am”…..”at peace”. “I am”….. “at peace.”
If you will continue to repeat these phrases along with the described breath work, it will be less than 2 minutes until you feel relaxation in your entire body. You will begin to feel the chatter in your mind cease. Allow each succeeding phrase repetition to be slower and slower until you find yourself in the silence.
Meditation is never the same. Every session will have its own timing and feel. It does not need to be for more than a few minutes, although some like to extend it into half or a full hour. I personally prefer my 15 minute segments at different times of the day.
The key is not to demand that each meditation be exactly the same depth or yield its result in the same way. You do not have to sit board stiff. If you feel a tickle behind your ear, scratch it! If you feel a cramp from sitting too long, get up. Be gentle with yourself and the desired results will come more easily.
Through repetition of meditation, you will forge an easier and more direct pathway to the Void. You will find the trip increasingly comfortable and familiar. It will become your place of creative manifestation and direct knowledge. You will be far more open to receiving the highest and best information. Your faith in your personal journey will be strengthened.
If you feel that a personal spiritual reading would be of value to you at this time, please call me, Reverend Lois, Bella Vista, Arkansas, (479) 657-6491.