As some of you may know, I plan to offer a Dream Workshop this February. I have given workshops on dreams previously but this time I especially want to freshen my ideas, given them a little more shine. After all my home church, the Church of the Angels, in Venice, Florida deserves the very best.
As I thought about what I might do to make the work more relevant, exciting or compelling, I realized that I have totally ignored one valuable aspect of dreams. I have always spoken of dream interpretation, compiling a personal dream dictionary, creating a resolution dream, inviting a lucid dream and more, but I never before touched on the inherent value, importance and effect of daydreams
Had you ever thought about your day dreams? Perhaps they are not strictly dreams in the usual sense but they do have some of the same characteristics. They seem to tell stories without our specific guidance or control. They feel as if they wander in without our invitation similar to the arrival of our night time dreams.
What if we did not allow them the freedom to proceed willy-nilly without supervision but took charge of their content in a positive way? For example, my daughter and I have very different ideas about everything. More than once during a conversation with her, I have found myself biting my tongue, holding back some pretty harsh words. Then later I would find myself mentally changing what had just happened and saying exactly what I really thought!
Do you ever do that? Do you keep replaying an unhappy encounter and adding fuel to the fire until your stomach knots up? What kind of results come from that kind of daydream or replay and redesign of a situation? What kind of results come from amplifying the worst?
If redesign is on the negative side, it can bring into the physical round two of the same problem with the same players. Our minds when fueled with emotions can be mighty creators.
On the other hand, if you or I can catch ourselves in that kind of ongoing daydream and change it, some much more positive results may be forthcoming. Certainly we can be much more peaceful.
In the situation I recounted could I allow my daughter to hold different opinions without making her wrong? Perhaps just my own thought of how much I love my daughter and how much I know she loves me, could head off the next episode.
We hear a lot about how powerful our words, thoughts and emotions are, about how important it is to see the direction that they are going. I feel it would profit us to apply similar control to those daydreams that flit in and out of our consciousness all day long.
Look closely at the subject of your daydreams and decide if that is what you really want to appear in your life! CONSIDER THAT YOUR OFTEN REPEATED DAYDREAM SCENARIO MAY BE JUST AROUND THE CORNER WAITING TO GREET YOU.
All your personal life plans can be clarified and adjusted through the channeling of the wise help of your guides and angels. If you have questions today concerning any impending decisions or simply want a comforting word or thought from a departed loved one, call me for your confidential counseling appointment.You will receive a complete recording of your confidential session for your later review.
I am Reverend Lois Cheney, Sarasota, Florida Psychic. For your appointment call Reverend Lois (941) 961-2783 or E-Mail:
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