Tuesday, January 29, 2008


What is joy? Where does it originate? Some might say it begins in the human heart. Others might decree it comes from the heart of God. My dictionary calls it “the emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good”. Do we really need to have a specific “joy trigger”? Must we “expect good” or do we already possess it?

More importantly, why are some people joyful, happy, seemingly exhilarated by life itself, while others appear to exude a pervasive gloom, filled with doubt and fear? Surely we are not born with one over powering mood either negative or positive.

It seems that those of us who are determined to spread a kind of sunshine over our days, have discovered a secret. That secret lifts us above the sometimes troubling events that we encounter. That secret allows us to feel more deeply the positive happenings around us while giving less worry and concern to the things that need change and improvement.

To create more hours of joy, my heart says “appreciate, appreciate, appreciate.” When I am grateful for that which I have, I am happy! That does not preclude working for better outcomes. Gratefulness certainly does not keep me from desiring more abundance, more love, more beauty in my life.

What does gratitude do? It gives me a higher platform from which to view the events of my world. It offers a balance to my thoughts and my feelings. Thankfulness does not live in a state of denial. It doesn’t believe that all is perfect. It simply believes its world is filled with wonder and creativity.

Be thankful for yourself. Be thankful for your talents. Each of us has special talents and abilities. There is no need to compare ourselves to anyone because we are unique. We all occupy a very special and important place where we are, as we are. Allow yourself to feel the joy of being. Thank yourself for those things that are right today and begin to work with those situations that you can improve.

Claim the joy of living for yourself, for your family, for others. Pass it on!

If you desire some insight into the events and relationships of your life either past or present or if I can help you with a spirit-directed intuitive reading of your future, call today. I am available for private counseling sessions by telephone, e-mail, or in my home.

For a private appointment, complete with a cassette recording of your reading, call Reverend Lois, (479) 657-6491, Bella Vista, Arkansas.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


The result of one spoken word, or one thought, held in mind, is usually not particularly great or even measurable. However, the effect created by that same word or thought when used repetitively, can be impressive.

In that regard, you and I have something in common. Morning, noon, or night that something is fully awake, ready for instructions and functioning! Yes, we each have the use of a remarkably skilled mechanism of attraction and manifestation. What we have is our personal subconscious.

Whatever we think or say, our trusting subconscious accepts as the truth of our reality. When we understand that fact, it becomes easy to see that our speech and thoughts are continually shaping our life experiences. It offers a valid reason to pay closer attention to what we are actually requesting of ourselves through our firmly held thoughts and repeated words.

Often we hear: "I need more money" "I want a better job" I don't have the right partner" My boss hates me" "I can't get ahead" "I don't have the right education." What do these words and thoughts create? Because your subconscious believes you and takes your word for the way things are, it happily creates more of the same. More lack, more discomfort, more unhappiness appears.

What is the answer? How can we bring better experiences into our lives?

Let's look at what some groups are doing. They gather together for mutual support of their individual dreams and aspirations. The groups are called The Intenders. Their meetings follow the guidelines by Tony Burroughs in his booklet "The Intenders Handbook."

In those groups, it is suggested that certain words are to be avoided for their negative connotations. Excluded from their individual intentions, or affirming statements, are words such as "want", "need", "have to have", "sickness" and others. Instead we are likely to hear more positive words and phrases. "I intend that I have a better job." I intend that my home life is loving and peaceful." I intend that my sister experiences supreme good health." "I intend that my wallet is always full of plenty of money." "I intend that I am gaining all the knowledge I need to go forward."

Intending carries the feeling, the emotion, of positive action right now, today. It tells that busy subconscious that all these good situations are what your reality is, and that they exist now. Your most obedient servant, your subconscious, gets busy creating what you have decreed.

Unfortunately, when we insist on amplifying and talking about what we don't want, we get a lot more of it! If only we could keep our words in the present "now" time, and keep our thoughts on the good we anticipate, then our personal experiences would reflect those pleasant conditions.

"I receive so much understanding and appreciation from my co-workers." "I am using my time wisely." "I am surrounded by loving friends." "My business continues to prosper and my income increases daily."

On the theme of positive creating, I recall snippets of something I learned as a child. "....If there be anything just, if there be anything pure, if there be anything lovely, if there be any praise, think on these things. I might add to that partial quote: If you speak it and think it, it will be!

May I help you with some of your challenges and desires? Call me for your private psychic reading. Remember, there is no question too unusual or difficult. Ask what you wish to know. You will take home with you a complete recording of your reading to review at your leisure. That cassette will reveal any information you may have missed or not understood.

Make your appointment today with me, Reverend Lois, Bella Vista, Arkansas, (479) 657-6491

Saturday, January 12, 2008


All of us would prefer the energizing gift of health. Fully enjoying life seems to depend in large part upon being physically well. Why is it that at times it seems difficult to maintain our health? Why shouldn’t we always be at our peak of good physical condition? Do we need to be at the mercy of the next contagion or virus that is headed our way? Does some personal misery actually require a backache?

It is fairly commonly accepted these days that our physical bodies do not manifest ill health or disease by themselves. The origins of our discomforts can usually be traced more or less directly to our continual thoughts and emotions. Dark thoughts, such as resentment, disappointment, regret, condemnation are reflected in a painful unhappy body.

It would seem that to be physically healthy, we need to begin to exercise control over our own thoughts and feelings. Perhaps some of you have read the work of Dr. Emile Coue'. He practiced in France in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. He experienced phenomenal success with those patients of his who after many months of therapy seemed incurable. His technique was particularly remarkable because of its simplicity.

Dr. Coue’s “medicine” was this: Each patient was asked to repeat a particular phrase whenever pain or discomfort arose---“Every day in every way, I am better and better.” Whenever possible, he suggested that the words should be said out loud and looking into a mirror. Optimally, this was to be practiced at least twice each day.

The so called “miracle” cures that occurred as a result of that simple phrase repetition were not miracles at all. Each of us has the ability to command truly remarkable control over our physical bodies. The extent of this control and its possibilities cannot be overstated.

My late husband, James Harry Cheney, was a trained healer. He was especially amazing in his ability to remove burns. We were at a Phoenix gas station one morning where a young mechanic was working on a car. Apparently, the car had just been driven into the service bay. The mechanic removed the radiator cap and was instantly covered with boiling hot liquid. My husband rushed over and began moving his hands over the boy’s auric field although never touching his physical skin. It was only a matter of minutes until all the redness of skin and the accompanying pain were gone.

The reason that I am recounting these events is to reveal to you the apparent cause of what some would term an accident. Earlier that morning, the young man and his girl friend had suffered a loud and hurtful argument. He felt he was to blame. This “accident” appeared to be his unconscious way of punishing himself. He certainly would have succeeded with his self destructive action if my husband had not been on the scene. Again, thoughts and emotions can easily affect our actions and the condition of our bodies.

For your body’s sake, if you feel hurt, forgive! If you feel angry, let it go! Make all your communications gentle and loving, even if you would rather lash out. Remember this: You cannot hurt or “get even” with another person by taking poisoned thoughts into your own body temple. Allow others to be who they are. Do remember to love and respect yourself. Your are unique, special and valuable.

When you feel that you could benefit from a spirit-guided psychic reading, call me in Bella Vista Arkansas. Let me set a private counseling appointment for you. I will tape record the session and give you the cassette. My clients find that if they will review the channeled information later, it becomes even more valuable. Telephone Reverend Lois (479)657-6491

Thursday, January 10, 2008


We all have standards. We set standards for others and standards for ourselves. What do our personal rules of conduct or behavior do for us? The upside is we establish guidelines for our own lives. The downside is that we feel we are empowered to decide what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad. There is only black and white, no gray. We narrow our options. Our unyielding decisions lead us to ongoing patterns of judgment.

Not all judgment is wrong. Judgment as simple analysis is necessary. We owe it to ourselves and our comfort to avoid someone who continually causes us emotional or physical pain. We don’t need to stay in a relationship that is pulling all of our energy. Yet, labeling that person “bad” is not good for us. That labeling when taken to the extreme can form an ongoing grudge and physical discomfort.

Labeling any person or situation as being in some way “unacceptable” creates separation. It fosters fear. It is equally hurtful when we tell ourselves that we are wrong and deserve to suffer blame. To live the free and open life we need to understand that anyone, including each one of us, does what appears to be the best or right thing to do. Looking from our personal point of view, that is often hard to realize.

At any moment in time each of us does what we believe will “fix” the problem. We may act too quickly. We may not seem things clearly. Nevertheless, each of us does exactly what he believes is going to set his little world right. That one action, when analyzed later, may not have “fixed” anything and may have caused harm to ourselves and others.

How can we live freely and openly if we believe we need to keep judging? To allow everyone, including you, to learn their lessons in their own unique and individual way, is the best. After all, the truth is that our world is not made up of “us” right here and “them” over there. In fact, we are all closely connected. All of “them” are just “us”. When we judge one person, those vibrations of fear and condemnation cause an unpleasant energy ripple in all of us.

Out of habit, we probably will continue to see someone or something we don’t approve and we will label. It’s not an easy habit to break. Until we can apply unconditional love for ourselves and others, perhaps until we believe in that possibility, we will need to exercise forgiveness. Forgiveness would be absolutely unnecessary, if we were not sitting in judgment.

Holding tightly to hurt, whether created by ourselves or others, is much more than just an emotional or mental challenge. Let’s not condemn ourselves or anyone for the acts or experiences that we call error. Holding hurts in our hearts, causes very real discomfort and pain in our bodies.

Keeping a grudge for months and years, can manifest as unpleasant, or even deadly, disease in our physical. Forgive for your own sake. Embrace the now moment and the future. Forgive everyone and anything to allow healing to begin in all aspects of your life.

In order to see the broader picture, all sides of any situation, we must lay judgment aside. The need to judge can blind us to infinite possibilities. It is difficult to set things “right” if all we can see is “wrong”. Happiness is available through an openness of mind and an allowing.

It may help to remember that the past is just the past. Whether the event happened five minutes ago or five years ago, it is still the past! The past cannot touch you, unless your memory keeps it close, thereby giving it ongoing life and energy. Instead, decide to give your love and understanding today wherever you see a need. This act alone can push back any seeming limits to your growth producing experiences. Your ongoing expression of love and appreciation to yourself and to others will dynamically light your life path.

I am always ready to help you with any life challenge or question. I will address thoughts from your loved ones who have passed. I can assist with dream interpretation. Your personal angels and guides are waiting to be asked. For a private spirit-filled counseling session, call me, Reverend Lois. Your psychic reading appointment is waiting. (479) 657-6491, Bella Vista, Arkansas.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Do you take time to celebrate your victories? Do you acknowledge even your small “wins”? Many times it seems that we rush from one completed project to the next challenge without allowing any time for ourselves to feel the current completion or success. It is important to give ourselves a pat on the back, a smile, a feeling of accomplishment.

Gratitude for our own well done efforts, resolving a problem or creating something positive, allows us a platform for building more and greater successes. Success will build upon success. An inner sense of accomplishment and thankfulness, does give us the self esteem that opens the door to our talents and abilities. No one else may be applauding your efforts, but do take time to congratulate yourself!

Too many times we ignore all of the time and energy we put into the current project and all the benefits that were acquired. Instead, we immediately begin fretting or worrying about what might happen next or what project needs to be addressed. Just a pause in our activities to really absorb the exhilarating moment at hand, to enjoy the time spent and the reward gained, can bring a happy peaceful glow.

Let us resolve now to spend more of our days enjoying and less in rushing. Most of us have found that our thinking tends to have greater accuracy and clarity when we don’t try to push ourselves to complete a project or find a solution. A tense, hurried person is worried and can easily become confused as well. That valuable commodity, intuition, is covered over with anxiety when we refuse to allow ourselves the luxury of relaxation.

When you are peaceful and at ease, intuition is able to shine. If you will feel the warmth of your own inner gratitude, your thankfulness for your life, for all that you are and all that you do, that sixth sense, intuition, can bring you ideas, solutions and wondrous creativity. Be willing to allow it to make solid contact with your day-to-day awareness and help you build the life you desire. Celebrate all your efforts, all your victories, all your successes. In this way you will build a strong ladder to more success and lasting happiness.

I am ready to illumine any situations in your life that concern you. May I give you an in depth spirit-led psychic reading? Bring your questions about the past or the future. Telephone Reverend Lois at (479) 657-6491, Bella Vista, Arkansas, for your private appointment.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


If memories from your past are causing you pain today, perhaps it’s time to make some changes. Some of your memories may be tied to relatives or friends who have long since passed. Other memories might be connected to people who are unreachable at this time. The pain could issue from some personal action you took or some words you would like to retrieve. Whatever the memory, it can be changed.

I was fortunate in the early 70’s to study with Jose Silva. His course in Mind Control was really a training in self hypnosis. One of the topics in that course was Memory Relief. The object was to take any unhappy memory into the deep levels of your consciousness and begin to tweek it, to adjust it. One little change at a time was “re-remembered” until the inflicted soreness dissolved. This technique was not intended to change anyone else, just to change your personal memory of the event. It hurt no one and freed you from that yoke of pain.

The point of all that adjusting was to reaffirm the fact that the event itself could do no further harm, only the irritating memory was causing the current problem. Let’s take an example. Perhaps the memory that bothers you today is like one of mine from many years ago when I was a little child. I misunderstood something my mother said when she drove us to the old neighborhood. She had some business to tend and she told me it was o.k. to visit my nearby friend.

I believed I had to wait for her to come back to the car before I could see that little friend who was so special to me. I didn’t understand. She expected I would visit while she was busy with her task. When she returned to find me still sitting there, she said it was too late. We had to go back home. My five year old heart was nearly broken.

This may seem to be a small, unimportant memory, but no memory that still causes an ache in your heart is unimportant. In this instance, a memory of that kind can cause an ongoing fear of loss in much more important present day scenarios. Childhood memories can be quite crippling.

Now, as an adult, I can take that memory into my creative consciousness and begin to see the action differently. One bit at a time it can be changed. First, I tell myself that I understand what mother wants. I promise to be quick, to not keep her waiting. Then I hurry down the street to my friend’s door and enter for a visit. The two of us share a giggle and I look at her new toys. I feel it is time to go. I hurry back to the car just as mother comes down the street.

This same technique can be applied gradually to much more serious memories with good results. My late husband was a skilled hypnotist. He worked with one client at a time to help change and heal the varied problems of their lives. I was lucky enough to observe the changes in a number of his patients. Those people he treated would many times drop the depression that had darkened their lives for years. It didn’t matter whether their memories of the past were real or had been simply over embellished and strengthened through the years, they still would yield to positive change. Through a bit of occasional reinforcement the resulting change would become permanent.

The importance of working with and changing unhappy memories cannot be over stated. I never suggest wiping out a memory. Memory “removal” is likely to become suppression and cause even greater harm. The gentle, effective way, is just one positive change at a time. Something that is “just a memory” needs to be addressed because it can cause physical disability as well as emotional and mental stress.

Taking responsibility for our memories, changing them for the better in this way, means not needing to blame anyone or anything for our own recreating of similar events in our lives now. We can stop the cycle and the repetition. It means filling our days and nights with the new joy and peace we can think and imagine today, not reliving the consequences of what we felt or suffered in the past. We can take full responsibility and enjoy a happier more fulfilling life.

Will you give me the chance to help you with your life challenges? Call today for an appointment for your personal spirit-channeled psychic reading. I am Reverend Lois, (479) 657-6491, Bella Vista Arkansas.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Some Mornings at coffee time, I like to work the “Jumble”. It’s just a simply designed puzzle that arrives in the morning paper. It takes a few minutes to solve or much longer if my mind is full of weeds and chatter. Perhaps that is why I like to work with it, to clear all that noise out of my head.

That puzzle is just four or five words with all the letters scrambled. At the end of the puzzle are blanks to be filled in using some of the letters in the words above. The answer to the blank phrase is illustrated by a cartoon like drawing. This is “morning taxing” enough. No, I haven’t even attempted the newest “sudoku” craze.

It is a shame that life’s challenges are not as simple as the “Jumble”. Instead, many times life’s changing scene and ongoing puzzles make us feel as if we have been hit by a speeding train. “Where did that come from? Who said I wanted that? Now what?” Even though you know full well that you are both the engineer and the conductor on your life’s “train”, circumstances can make the trip seem unfair, uncalled for and impossibly difficult.

When we are caught unaware by a new problem or even revisited by an old one, it is time to pull out the old affirmation box. When a situation seems really over powering, the temptation is to tell ourselves “I don’t know what to do, I can’t handle this.” The first thought or word that works for me is a more positive “I can do it, one thing at a time!” Don’t we all want to fix everything at once? Not necessary. One step at a time and one action at a time is the way to results.

Over a period of years, my late husband and I bought, remodeled and sold many homes. As you might imagine, there was a lot of detailed paperwork involved. Occasionally, while writing contracts, I would encounter a somewhat cantankerous or downright irrational buyer. Instead of allowing myself the usual anxiety , I would tell myself, over and over again: “You know what this is, Lois. It’s only business. That’s right. It’s only business.”

That particular line of reasoning always calmed me enough to allow a more even-keeled thinking. Just that affirmation brought clarity. I could then proceed to take appropriate action to smooth or remove the problem.

There are so many wonderful affirmations that can be used to redirect our thoughts and emotions. Because we acknowledge that our repeated thoughts and words create the patterns of our lives, it is a good idea to keep a personal dictionary of positive “fixes”. A good strong affirmation can be a big help in puzzling out our personal dilemmas.

How about these? “I see the big picture”….. “I understand the goal”….. “My mind is clear and I am calm”.….”All things are working together for good”…..”My relationships are peaceful and loving”…..”I accept the highest and best outcome for all those directly concerned”…..”My angels guide, guard and protect me”……”Thank you, that miracles are happening in my life today.”

Now it’s your turn. See if you can devise and improvise affirmations to suit your life. Or just pick up one of those self-help books and borrow a few positive thoughts. No need to let life’s speed bumps turn into concrete walls. A little change in your thinking and approach can bring gratifying results and solutions. Start writing in your positive thoughts log! Have a handful or a box full and use them.

If I can help you in any way through a spirit-led psychic reading, do not hesitate to call me. For a private appointment: Reverend Lois, (479) 657-6491, Bella Vista, Arkansas.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


It isn’t necessary to be clairvoyant , psychic or understand anything “paranormal” to know what is likely happening on the 3rd day of January. Many of us have made a resolution or two that now seems a little extreme or unattainable. In an emotional high of “anything is possible,” we went a little over the top with our assessment of how much, how soon. We wanted to totally quit this or that and add a lot of those right now! Possibly we have already broken or discarded more than one of our resolutions.

Working our way through the other eleven months of the year, we probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the one constant in this earth life. The one circumstance that is either present or just about to be. You see, no matter how earnestly we resolve, no matter how sincerely we plan, that one thing is going to occur. It may be pleasant. It may be unsettling. But, it absolutely will make an appearance!

What is this omnipresent occurrence? It is change. Unplanned, and in a seemingly fickle and unpredictable way, our best laid plans make a “U turn” or perhaps take just an unexpected sideways excursion. One of the major players in our life scenario leaves. Our partner drops us. The invention we thought would sell isn’t even noticed. And the teetering stock market decides our financial plan is a bust.

Should we retire to a dark corner and cry, bemoaning everything that is not the way we planned? I don’t think so. The good news is that even when things seem the worst, the events of five minutes ago or a month ago or any time in the past, can be simply clearing the way for the happiest, most productive results imaginable. It is quite true that we can’t have “better” until we release “not so good.”

Yes, it is considerably easier to follow the well worn path of all our yesterdays, to settle for that, but it doesn’t lead to more dynamic success in any area of our lives. Sometimes we just have to welcome changes! Sit back, take a breath and watch what happens next.

If changes have left you a bit breathless today, why not give me a call? I will set a private reading appointment for you. Together we will design a new path and plan for your future. Life can be as beautiful , love filled and exciting as you can imagine. Meet your future fearlessly! Be equipped with some advance knowledge and mental sign posts.

Telephone Reverend Lois in Bella Vista, Arkansas for your personal psychic consultation. (479) 657-6491

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I have been thinking a lot about color lately. I see all of the red, green and gold of the holiday decorations and party clothes. But, it is more than just the colors of this time of year that catch my attention. When I dress for the day, I always ask that esoteric part of me, what color will fit my needs today? My "high self" or inner guide is usually quick with an answer.

If my intent is to gather more energy, enjoy more creativity, I will probably find myself selecting something in my closet that includes the color red. If I feel the need for any kind of healing, I select my splashiest green. The effect of color on mood and mental clarity can be measurable and in some cases, intense.

I can recall advising more than one client to put away the dark brown and black clothing if only for a week. Putting on some livelier colors can dramatically change emotions and thoughts. A depressed person certainly doesn’t need “depression amplification” by wearing dark colored clothing or by drawing all the shades in the room. Let the sunshine in, literally and figuratively!

Royal purple can amplify spiritual or mystical pursuits. When seeking information for myself from the masters, I love using the purple energy of my amethyst necklace and earrings. Yellow can improve communication skills and gain attention (remember those old gold jackets worn by Century 21 salesmen). For some of us, yellow can bring springtime thoughts and a bounce to our steps.

If you would like to feel particularly prosperous or just project that image to the world, try metallic gold and green. Don’t forget the accessories. If you are lucky enough to have jade or aventurine in cuff links or earrings, add those! Of course, color preferences are unique to the individual. There maybe times when all black or gray clothing is just the ticket for you, but by consulting with your best advisor (you) on a deeper level, you may find some very interesting answers and results.

Consider this: painting your bedroom bright red and pink probably won’t yield a good night’s sleep, although there could be other kinds of benefits to that paint application if you have a partner. Red does tend toward high energy action and pink is a definite love song. Selecting your clothing colors is equally important. A carefully chosen predominate color can amplify your success and innate talents. On the other hand, throwing on any old thing, with no thought to the effect of the particular colors on you, could not only bring your personal energies down, but it could cause others to view you as incapable or unprepared. The end result might be to put a bit of a damper on your efforts or to actually interfere with your day’s agenda!

Ask yourself: if you feel you need a boost to your self esteem, what colors would help? What color or colors give you confidence in your own abilities? If you need a bit of calm, would you select some watery blue or white? Do you want more friends? What kind of friends do you want to attract? What color might help you attract those compatible friends you desire?

Just as each of us is unique, so our color choices are unique. Each new day, put your intentions and desires out to the Universe and add the energy of your own special colors to those choices. The results might surprise you.

If you would like my help with any of your life challenges or decisions, please call me for your private appointment. Reverend Lois Cheney, (479) 657-6491 Bella Vista, Arkansas