What is joy? Where does it originate? Some might say it begins in the human heart. Others might decree it comes from the heart of God. My dictionary calls it “the emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good”. Do we really need to have a specific “joy trigger”? Must we “expect good” or do we already possess it?
More importantly, why are some people joyful, happy, seemingly exhilarated by life itself, while others appear to exude a pervasive gloom, filled with doubt and fear? Surely we are not born with one over powering mood either negative or positive.
It seems that those of us who are determined to spread a kind of sunshine over our days, have discovered a secret. That secret lifts us above the sometimes troubling events that we encounter. That secret allows us to feel more deeply the positive happenings around us while giving less worry and concern to the things that need change and improvement.
To create more hours of joy, my heart says “appreciate, appreciate, appreciate.” When I am grateful for that which I have, I am happy! That does not preclude working for better outcomes. Gratefulness certainly does not keep me from desiring more abundance, more love, more beauty in my life.
What does gratitude do? It gives me a higher platform from which to view the events of my world. It offers a balance to my thoughts and my feelings. Thankfulness does not live in a state of denial. It doesn’t believe that all is perfect. It simply believes its world is filled with wonder and creativity.
Be thankful for yourself. Be thankful for your talents. Each of us has special talents and abilities. There is no need to compare ourselves to anyone because we are unique. We all occupy a very special and important place where we are, as we are. Allow yourself to feel the joy of being. Thank yourself for those things that are right today and begin to work with those situations that you can improve.
Claim the joy of living for yourself, for your family, for others. Pass it on!
If you desire some insight into the events and relationships of your life either past or present or if I can help you with a spirit-directed intuitive reading of your future, call today. I am available for private counseling sessions by telephone, e-mail, or in my home.
For a private appointment, complete with a cassette recording of your reading, call Reverend Lois, (479) 657-6491, Bella Vista, Arkansas.