Monday, March 23, 2009

How Much JOY?

How much joy do you have in your life? How much room will you make for joy in your life? What brings you joy?

Many times when I am counseling with clients I will ask them to make a “happy list”: “I am happy when I…” Writing the list, making it solid on paper, is hopefully giving them a view of the positive aspects of their life. In truth, the happy list is just one small step toward identifying what brings them to a state of pure joy.

Why would I want them to identify joy in their lives? Joy is much greater than mere happiness. It is an elevated effervescent energy than emanates from the heart. When joy is in control of you, you also have accessed a state of unconditional love and gratitude.

The combination of Joy, Love and Gratitude is absolutely power filled.

Real joy allows you to see the source of everything and everyone as Spirit. When you are afloat in the heavenly aspects of joy, when you allow yourself to see from that higher perspective, your soul shines!

At that moment of intense joy, your soul is offering you deep understanding and seemingly miraculous possibilities.

In the experience of joy, heart and soul wisdom is always completely available. You are receptive to the highest and best information and direction without any coloring or disruption from ego.

If you know that hosting increased amounts of joy in your life will bring you greater ability to see and access your own perfect path, are you willing to deliberately entertain more joy? Will you decide to make more time for joy by eliminating time spent in useless worry and fretting?

THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING "FRIVOLOUS" ABOUT JOY! It is an important part of living and experiencing. It deserves to be cultivated and allowed to flow freely in your life.

Decide today, to look for whatever brings you to that elevated energy of joy. Find it. Repeat it. Increase its’ presence until it becomes a strong energy muscle in your life. The rewards will show themselves by illuminating your own higher purpose and understanding.

Your life path and purpose are important. My work is helping you to identify ways of actuating your very best life now. Call me today for a confidential reading appointment or to learn about my private intuitive lessons.

I am your Sarasota Florida Psychic, Reverend Lois Cheney (941)961-2783 or E-Mail:



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