Sunday, March 8, 2009


In my earlier years, when I was so active in the Unity Church, there was one song that always played in my heart: “Spirit of the living God come alive in me. Spirit of the living God come alive in me now. Melt me, mold me, fill me use me.” That song resonated so deeply within me that it carried me through more than one rough patch.

Those words could have been, just as rightly, "SPIRIT OF LIGHT come alive in me”, “SPIRIT OF LOVE come alive in me”, or even “ALMIGHTY COSMIC I AM come alive in me now”. All of those names for the wonderful supportive energy that gives us life ring true. Any action taken by one of us in the essence of Love, Light or I Am that I Am is surely a blessing to all those touched.

Now is the most exciting of times to be alive on this earth. Whatever your religion, your occupation, your endeavors, you have the opportunity to shine so brightly as to enhance the world and all those people and creatures who occupy it.

You and I are Love’s creation. You and I can truly be Emissaries of the Light. That is our design. Together we are a mighty force for the highest good if we choose to be so.

As a counselor I have had more than one person come to me talking about “the end times”. Some of my clients come filled with fear because of what others have said to them regarding the disastrous events foretold in the coming year 2012.

Yes, the three years between now and that year will be filled with many changes. We have already seen the tumult in the economy and other social structures. MY BELIEF IS THAT THIS IS NOT A TIME OF DISASTER BUT RATHER A TIME OF MIRACULOUS OPPORTUNITIES.

I see the discomfort caused by these changes as leading to multiple opportunities for creating a greatly enhanced life for us and our earth. Yes, these changes can feel uncomfortable but sometimes it takes discomfort for humans to decide to take action. Sometimes it takes an imbalance to cause us to actively seek harmony and balance.

You and I together can help Mother Nature to heal. You and I together can help all people to recognize their divinity and to raise their humanness to Spirit-lead heights.

I suggest each of us begin our day accessing our innate abilities to shine the light we are. We can be the peace, the light and the love in whatever situation we find ourselves. Individually and collectively we can be the ones who bring the changes for the highest and best, the most positive directions and possibilities.

This is my best day yet! Why? Because I choose to be flowing, glowing, radiating Light. I choose to shine and be a blessing wherever I go, wherever I find myself. I invite you to choose along with me.

May the blessing that you are radiate and shine on all.

My work is my joy. I love to help through my counseling and teaching. If you would like a confidential appointment for a life path enhancing reading or if you wish to contact a departed loved one, call me today. Bring all your questions. I will access your personal guides and teachers for life affirming answers.

Your private reading is available either in person in my studio or by telephone. It is your voice and your energy combined with that of your guides, that allow me to bring the best information to you.

Call Reverend Lois Cheney: (941)961-2783 or E-mail:


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