You want to manifest your highest desires. Spirit is longing to express itself through you. You invite your heart and soul wisdom for input. You earnestly try to send the right kind and amount of energy. You expect results. All of that is a good thing.
The one difficulty with expectations is that you sometimes become very fixed in what you insist upon for an outcome. In being so exacting in the form of your intentions and their timing, you can block a much better, more satisfying result.
Spirit knows the most beneficial form of your creation and the optimum timing of its arrival. When you do not allow flexibility in either form or timing you may lose the best result.
Nothing that any of us plan to do, no action that we take, can be accomplished in a vacuum. In other words every action we initiate has a ripple effect. Each result we create with our intentions and our energy touches others in some way.
If you can be more open to variations in your desired creation, you will allow the highest and best not only for yourself but for those people who will be blessed by your manifestation as well.
As separate as each of us may feel from time to time, the truth is we are not alone. We are irrevocably joined with the earth and all life. This joining is the reason we need to ask always for “this or something better to bless all those concerned.” Or as the Buddhists might say “intend no harm”.
You have incarnated here on earth at a highly energized time. It is a time of great volatility but also great progress. Your life path is vitally important as you work with all other light workers to energize this period of ascension. You like all of us deeply desire to fulfill your personal purpose as well as your cosmic one.
If I can help you in any way to access your life goals through the channeling of your personal guides and teachers, call for your private appointment. All reading sessions are completely confidential and will be recorded for you. I will meet with you either in my Florida studio or by telephone.
Ordained by Angel Ministries, I am Reverend Lois Cheney, psychic, clairvoyant and lecturer. (941) 961-2783 or E-mail: RevLois@gmail.com.
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