Yes, you are the Boss. You are both the Gatekeeper and the Ruler of your personal life kingdom. As an adult it is no secret that you control whether or when you get out of bed in the morning. You decide what to eat or not eat.
But do you realize that no word, thought or feeling can live in your domain without your approval? DID YOU KNOW, WERE YOU EVEN SLIGHTLY AWARE, THAT YOU HAD THAT KIND OF LIFE-AFFECTING CONTROL?
Unfortunately, much of the material that you and I allow to access our thoughts and feelings comes through the “back door”. Many times we are not even aware of its entrance. We let down our guard, become distracted, and suddenly we have accepted an idea that floated in on another person’s wave length.
For example, it is impossible to overestimate the effect of a repetitively held thought. Add to that thought a strong emotion and manifestation will occur. Every positive or negative energy we send forth in this way creates after its own kind.
The good news is each of us can control all of this automatic input for ourselves. We can turn our thoughts, words and feelings in the direction we chose.
We are not at the mercy of the beliefs of others. We do not have to submit ourselves to the opinions of the world at large. If we are adults, we are not who we are today because of our parents or our environment. Who we are, we have personally created.
Happy people create happy lives. Positive words create positive effects. A heart that is always grateful and singing, finds more for which to be grateful and more songs to sing!
If there is anything in your life experience today that you do not want in your life, now is the time to take action! Decide to change the way you are viewing your world. CHANGE THE WAY YOU ARE TELLING YOURSELF AND OTHERS ABOUT YOUR CURRENT EXPERIENCE.
Perhaps you are not feeling physically well just now. If that is the case, decide to speak only about glowing health. Tell your friends how good you feel, so much better than yesterday. “I am on my way to perfect health. I just feel so good, so confident.”
At first this way of vocalizing and thinking may feel like a lie. It does take practice, but if you are willing to take charge, the results are definitely worth it.
Today the world tells us (by way of the television, the newspaper and the internet) that our economy is on the verge of collapse or a “downturn” so huge as to be a depression. Do you realize that in any economy, there are always people and companies making enormous amounts of money and living abundantly?
Could you just take a short “news vacation”? Could you go a few days or weeks without loading up on all the negative media? That kind of vacation could make all the difference in your experiences.
None of us would deliberately or consciously chose poverty, yet, that is what we are doing when we immerse ourselves in the current “news”. It is up to each of us to turn away from that kind of news and begin creating our economy in a different direction.
If money is the challenge of the moment, begin by blessing what you have. Bless whatever amount you have and see more added to it. Be open to new ideas and new ventures. Opportunities come to those who are aware and inviting them.
If you long for friends, be a friend! Yes, it really is that simple. Go out. Find someone who could benefit from some cheering. You can do it. You will feel all the better for the effort.
Your firmly held beliefs and thoughts have created what you are experiencing today. What you say, think and feel today are creating the situations of your life tomorrow.
Change will come if you take the easy step of putting a guard on how you speak, think and feel. Feeling blue? Sing, put on some joyful music, dance. Take charge!
Instead of writing letters to relatives about your troubles, write notes filled with words of success and happiness. Be a spreader of the positive.
Do not bother to trace where a negative thought originated. It does not help to blame the source. Simply originate a new thought pattern and stick to it! YOU HAVE ALL THE POWER AND TALENT TO CREATE YOUR NEW LIFE BEGINNING TODAY!
I am here at my studio in Bella Vista, Arkansas, to help you in any way that I can. If a word of guidance from your angels, divine masters, or spirit teachers would be beneficial, call today for a private reading.
All counseling sessions are strictly confidential. A recording of your personal appointment will be given to you for your later review.
Counseling session of this kind are always lives affirming, never presented in a negative or detrimental vein. New more positive directions are offered and possible future results revealed. Call today for your personal reading in my studio or by telephone.
I am Reverend Lois, (479)657-6491.
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